
Noting more and more that mom is CRAZY over the color blue! She talks about blue, aqua, turquoise, will literally buy a dog turd if it's a blue one (which I suppose would be worth a lot of money! lol) But all kidding aside, she is fixated on all things blue. She has also begun speaking billboards and sides of trucks out loud... "Aamco Transmission...." then "Mattress Warehouse".... and it goes on and on... ??? She also will not stop adding to her fake flower collection. They make her so happy, it seems. She fawns over silk flowers, and now dishes... (?) too. Is this strange or is this part of the progression of the disease? Just curious because in the past mom always had one beautiful flower arrangement on the table and a clean home that was so beautiful it looked staged. Now she has 5 arrangements on the table...

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My dad is obsessed with dandelions. He took a knife out of the sink and said he was going to cut them off. Yikes. I keep saying that they do not bother me but they sure bother him. I through a towel over the knife block and put away the rest and he doesn't know where to look anyway.
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My dad saved every mail flyer and magazine. He had stacks of them. When he started daycare, my sister would remove a little at a time so he wouldn't notice it. She picked up a couple and out dropped drawings. Dad was an artist and he tucked his artwork in the magazines for safe keeping.
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yes, Pam! Thank you! Recently we went to the grocery store and I asked her if she needed anything. She said she needed coffee. Upon returning home, I came in and had a little time so I started going through her kitchen. I found 10 bags of coffee, most of them opened!
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I'd like to add that she is also "finding things" in her home and telling me that they must have been left there when she purchased the house 4 years ago. Things like the nightgown she purchased 3 weeks ago with me, her old wigs, etc. Does she really not realize she purchased these things? When I tell her 'you bought that when you were with me' she looks at me like I have 3 heads and says, "No, it was here." That would be impossible anyhow because she got the house from a man who's wife left with all her things in a bitter divorce 2 years prior to her buying the house, so there's no way these things were left there. That home was spotless and empty when she moved in, albeit some rolls of toilet paper and cleaning supplies.
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Yes, they develop obsessions, you never know what the object of their devotion will be. For our mom it was beige slacks, she bought 16 pairs of them.
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