
His half brother put him there to get his money and house left to him by his dad. I don't know what to do he has only me.

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take ur dad out to eat or go for a joyride , he must just wanted to get outta there for few hrs . i dont blame anyone for wanting to get out of that place .
visit him more and get to know him more . may need to get hd of his half brother and find out whats going on with ur dad s life after missing him for 15 yrs .
i wish u well and happy you found ur dad . spend time with him as much as you can and you will know weither u shall bring him home or keep him there . but like i said it wont hurt to take him out for a pleasure .
it is a hard work and you will know and find out .
wish u and ur dad good luck //
Helpful Answer (1)

I will also add my concurrence with the answers above. It is GREAT that you found your father, but please find out the answers to the questions that CASTOFF posted and be aware of the warnings that DEEJ listed too, as they are most certainly the truth.

No one wants to discourage you from being with your father, and there are many ways you can help him IN the nursing home. Talk to the adminstrator about his 'care plan' (if you can) and talk to his half-brother (if you can) and find out more. If you cannot talk to him (or would rather not) do the best you can and be there for your Dad!
Helpful Answer (2)

I can only so agree with ALL the former comment made. Don't do this on emotions but with reality before you do anything. Dad is use to living there for 15 years and a move now might upset him in more ways that you can percieve! I have always been close to my mom and she is living with us now ( has AD) and I often wonder if it was a mistake to do it as it is EXTERMELY hard and I could only imagine if I didn't know the person and their habits etc..... little alone their medical history like said....... you don't know what you would be getting yourself into yet. Give it time and talk to his doctors and the administrator at the nursing home.

Praying the best for you!!!!!
Helpful Answer (2)

After 15 yrs you don't know your father's personality anymore. What your father is telling you may not be the truth. If he has dementia or alzhiemers he may not know the truth & only imagines........
Questions that MUST be answered:
Who is paying for the nursing home & what are his finances?
What is his true health condition? (ask his doctor)
Who has POA? (you may be powerless in the situation)
Would you be required/expected to give the same degree of care your father has had for the last 15 yrs?....Can you handle it?
Are you biting off more than you can chew?
Do you know what you are getting into?

I don't wish to discourage you, but if your good intentions aren't backed up by practical knowledge you are asking for trouble.
PLEASE, thoroughly evaluate the situation and your father's needs before you jump in with both feet. It could be disaster for both of you if you let your emotions get the upper hand.
Take a step back and observe for a while. Visit him often & speak with whoever you can to get the real picture. Review the discussions on this site to get an idea of what caregiving is all about.
I wish you the best. Please be prepared.
Helpful Answer (3)

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