Some of you may remember that mom was just put on hospice. Since that's happened, she's in bed all the time. It's unsafe to get her out of bed since she can be of no assistance at all.
She sings. She nightmares. She cries. She calls out. She talks to dead people. She yodels. She lalalalala's. I think it's mostly in her sleep. I give her ,25 mil of Lorazapam when she gets really bad. Last night, I hardly slept since the dosage didn't do it. I didn't want to call the hospice nurse at Midnight, so I gave her another half-dose. Didn't help. I know I can give her .25 every four hours, but I'm going to call today to see if I should up it.
But why does she do this? It's almost like she wants to make sure she's "still here" or something . . . I've put on country music, TV programs, music videos -- nothing seems to help. If I go into her room and wake her, she stops temporarily. But then starts right up again.
Anyone have this experience?
Thanks so much for your reply.
And I agree that if the dose you're giving her doesn't even make a dent in it you should talk to hospice and see if they can up it. Not just so you can get some sleep but so your mom doesn't feel like she has to soothe herself. That can't feel good to her.