
Are pro-biotics or digestive enzymes more effective. Or perhaps a combination. Will OTC pro-biotics and enzymes do the job or do I have to prescribed enzymes?

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RedVanAnnie: Dietary amendments are advised for anyone with IBS, of course. Perhaps your physician could provide the best answers to your questions, especially "do I have to *be* prescribed enzymes?"
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I took CREON for many years to treat Pancreatic Enzyme Insufficiency. When my insurance didn't cover it, it was simple to get it free through the manufacturer program because it's quite expensive.

It worked great once I was on the correct dose. I took it with or before every snack & meal. For whatever reason, I no longer have symptoms but they were terrible when I did. I never went anywhere without at least a few of the pills with me & wouldn't eat if I didn't have them. Drinks, even ones like Ensure, didn't cause me issues so I kept those in various places in case I ended up without the medication.

Hope this helps & that you find relief!
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My daughter suffers from IBS and probiotics tear her stomach up. Both of us pretty much watch what we eat. I found I can no longer eat eggs because I don't seem to break down the proteins anymore. Acidity foods bother me. As do greasy foods. My daughter found that anything with Carrageenan in it effects her. Its a thickening agent.
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Hi Redvineannie,
I cannot comment on pancreatic enzyme deficiency and am not sure how any products (natural or pharmaceutical) will react to that. Definitely speak to a gastroenterologist or your doctor and mention all supplements regardless of it they are natural or off the shelf at a pharmacy that you are taking or considering. They will be able to give you the most accurate and safe advice.

however, that being said I do have IBS and have found taking a prebiotic (before my meal) and probiotic after my meal ( you should take the probiotic with food or just after your meal so that it does not get digested by your stomach) seems to help. For me I get bad stomach pains and cramping since I have IBS-C&D but luckily I do not get heartburn so the best thing I found to calm my stomach down from the pain, gas and cramping is a good peppermint tea. For me the peppermint tea works amazingly well. But if you have heartburn or other issues it can make those worse so please double check before using peppermint tea or any other pre or probiotic.

I know some people who got great results religiously following the low FODMAP diet for about one or two months and the. Slowly one food at a time reintroducing foods to see which ones made their symptoms flare up and then avoid them. Garlic and onions regardless of how they are prepared (raw or even cooked into a soup or a sauce) seems to cause a lot of the ibs flare ups in people I know. Those two things are hard to avoid as they seem to be a base to most cooking.

I recommend you speak with your doctor or a registered dietitian.

best of luck.
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RedVanAnnie Aug 2023
Thanks I am doing the probiotic, adding some digestive enzyme supplement, staying with low FODMAP, avoiding dairy, avoiding histamine triggers, etc. It simplifies menu planning, that's for sure. I'm just grateful for any ideas and tips any of the rest of you have to add.
That makes sense. Thanks. Food restrictions disallow all the good probiotic food choices, so I am left trying to supplement. I will keep at it.
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Isthisrealyreal Jul 2023
One thing that we practice is to mix it up. Use a different probiotic every 3 months. This ensures that you are getting different strains and not building any immunity or developing an issue.

I would think that different enzymes every three months would be beneficial or maybe use different ones depending on the meal. Not completely sure because we use papaya enzymes with good luck and we don't use them all the time.

Trial and error when treating any conditions. I hope you find something that works really well for you.
Red, I would do a combination of probiotics, including food and drinks that are probiotic rich and enzymes.

The two are taken for different reasons and at different times.

Probotics are once a day and enzymes are taken with each meal.

Just my opinion from all my research.
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Isthisrealyreal Jul 2023
I would speak with your doctor to determine if you need prescription strength of either product. Often, just increasing the quantity increases the strength, so 2 probiotics vs 1 vs prescription or OTC.
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