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Daisy, no problem. I understand feeling trapped. It's not easy.

I wish I had more concrete solutions to offer you but stay tuned on this site cause there are many on here who will probably have better answers for you.

Don't give up!
Helpful Answer (3)

Well, you've got to try otherwise nothing will change. There must be resources in your area that can give you some advice. Every journey starts with the first step. Your mother thinks she has you trapped. Prove her wrong.
Helpful Answer (4)
DrivingMsDaisy Jul 2021
Thank u for taking the time
DrivingmsDaisy, no offense but what are you doing? If she is wealthy like you say, let her pay someone to care for her. Get away from her! Don't even hesitate. Do it as soon as possible!

I know you say you feel guilty and you think wanting her to die is sinful. Who wouldn't, given what you've said. You are enmeshed in a situation that has robbed you of your self-esteem. You think you have no self worth. Well who would in a situation such as you described.

Are you staying because of the money? You say she's promised it to others anyway. So what's in this for you? Some misguided sense of duty and obligations to someone from what you've said never deserved it in the first place?

Please make arrangements to leave. Then go get yourself some counselling to discover why you've allowed your mother and others to mistreat you for so long. You're only in your forties. It's not too late to start over.
Helpful Answer (5)
DrivingMsDaisy Jul 2021
I promise you every last sentence I’ve written is 100% my honest truth. I stay because I have no place to go. I had a pretty good job but quit when I relocated back to my hometown to care for her. I have some college under my belt but no degrees. Everything I wanted to study had to be passed by her first. She would literally talk me out of everything because she wanted me to work for her business. The strongest and best decision of my life was in 2005 when I told her no and moved 6 hours away. And then circumstances changed and I am back. I literally have nothing. I wouldn’t even be able to put down a deposit on a rental. The car I drive is from her…leased, brand new BUT in her name. She would reclaim it in a second the day I leave. I am trapped, emotionally. I have thoughts of walking out and then I envision her struggling for air or something worse and being left all alone. I just don’t know anymore
She threatens with the inheritance.
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