Caregiver Sacrifice

  • Not Everyone Is Cut Out to Be a Caregiver

    Being a caregiver for an ill loved one is extremely challenging, and many people are torn about accepting this role. Even those who want to help may not have the resources, abilities or desire to provide hands-on care.

  • The Financial Costs of Caregiving

    Caregivers should think twice before quitting a job. When caregivers cut their hours or quit their jobs to take care of elderly parents, their own pension benefits, Social Security contributions and retirement savings are impacted.

  • 5 Questions to Determine the Impact of Caregiving

    Many of us dive into caregiving with full hearts and little forethought. Doing some honest soul searching can help you sort out your priorities, set goals for your loved one’s care and establish your own boundaries.

  • The Sacrifices of Caregiving

    Becoming a caregiver causes a major life shift. Many caregivers not only struggle with tough care decisions, but they also grapple with how to handle resentment over being stuck in a situation that seems to leave them few choices.

  • How to Identify and Minimize Caregiver Burden

    The heavy burden of caregiving can gradually overwhelm even the most devoted and best prepared individuals. Take a caregiver burden assessment to determine your level of burnout and find resources to reduce the stress of caring for an aging loved one.

  • Supportive Services Can Help Caregivers Find a Middle Ground

    Caring for a loved one doesn't have to be an "all or nothing" situation. Discover the services and options available to alleviate some of your daily caregiving responsibilities.

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  • How to Keep Your Career Skills Sharp While Caregiving

    Many caregivers find themselves abandoning prosperous careers to take care of their elderly loved ones. But being a caregiver doesn't mean you have to give up on your career.

  • Should You Quit Your Job To Care for Your Elderly Parent?

    Most adult children do what they can to help out when Mom and Dad’s needs increase, but is giving up work to care for elderly parents wise?

  • 10 Common Caregiver Confessions

    Negative thoughts are a normal reaction to stressful situations. Instead of feeling guilty, caregivers must acknowledge these difficult feelings and seek out solutions to achieve a better care experience for themselves and their loved ones.

  • 10 Ways to Prevent Caregiver Depression

    Family caregivers report much higher levels of stress and depression compared to non-caregivers, but caregiving and depression don’t have to be a package deal. Use these tools to combat low mood and find treatment options that are right for you.

  • The Working Caregiver: Issues Faced With Caregiving While Employed

    Having a career and being a full-time caregiver creates many obstacles. When an aging parent needs help at home, talk to your employer about options available to you. Local resources may lessen the stress and complication for you as a working caregiver.

  • Thoughts on Dementia Care, Relationships and Being a Burden

    I frequently think about what the future holds for my wife Marja and me. I am afraid of one day becoming a burden to my family, but I actively try to focus on the present instead of the unknown.

  • 5 Ways to Overcome Mid-Life Regret

    Caregivers can be hit especially hard by mid-life regret because of the life-altering decisions they have to make, both for themselves and their loved ones.

  • Discussing Caregiving with Your Boss

    When you add the title "full-time employee" to caregiving duties, it can be overwhelming. How do you balance the care needs of an aging loved one and make sure there is a regular paycheck to help your own finances?

  • What’s OK and What’s Not OK When You Are a Caregiver

    Managing stress while caregiving is a hard thing to do and most family caregivers are afraid to ask for help. Here's a caregiving expert's take on what new caregivers should know when you feel the stress of being a caregiver.

  • Caregivers Giving More to Society but Getting Less

    Family members who are caring for elderly loved ones are contributing more unpaid labor to society than two years ago, and that's straining families to the breaking point, according to a new report from AARP.

  • Saying “No” to an Elderly Parent’s Demands

    Caregivers are nurturing people who often put others’ needs before their own. So, where do you draw the line and say, “I can do this much and nothing more”?

  • How to Stay Sane During the Holidays as a Sandwich Generation Caregiver

    For the sandwich generation, the holiday season can be more stressful than joyful, especially when everyone is looking to you for goodies, gifts, entertainment and care. Use these pointers to balance caregiving, family and holiday traditions.

  • Family Caregivers Bear the Burden of High Elder Care Costs

    A survey of family caregivers shows that the costs of caring for aging parents has a significant financial impact that could derail everyday budgeting and retirement planning for adult children.

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