Elder Care Decisions

  • Deciding on an End of Life Plan

    Selecting a course of action at the end of life can be a complex task, but it must be done. Often a new diagnosis is the instigating factor in formally deciding on a plan.This can include a DNR, advance directive, living will, and/or VSED.

  • Create Your All-Star Care Team in 5 Steps

    Every family caregiver needs a team of people to help put their care plan into action. A well-rounded roster of friends, family members and elder care professionals can help you provide quality care and avoid caregiver burnout.

  • Supportive Services Can Help Caregivers Find a Middle Ground

    Caring for a loved one doesn't have to be an "all or nothing" situation. Discover the services and options available to alleviate some of your daily caregiving responsibilities.

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  • A Caregiver's Guilt

    Trying to please someone with memory issues can seem like a losing battle. Many caregivers bend over backwards for their loved ones only to have their efforts fail or fall short. Sometimes the guilt feels overwhelming.

  • 3 Types of Adult Day Care

    Adult day care centers give caregivers a break from around-the-clock care and provide peace of mind that their loved one is in good hands. There are varying levels of adult day care that cater to seniors’ specific needs.

  • Questions to Ask When Choosing a Memory Care Facility

    Memory care facilities provide increased levels of care and safety for individuals with Alzheimer's and dementia. This list of core concerns can help you efficiently evaluate each facility you consider.

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  • Adult Vaccination: Protect Yourself, Seniors and Their Caregivers

    Many adults assume that their inoculation days are long over, but keeping up with recommended vaccine schedules throughout our lives is just as important as the initial doses we received as children.

  • Is Aging in Place Always the Best Option for Seniors?

    As we age, most of us claim we want to age in place—to stay in the familiar homes we love throughout the rest of our lives. But many seniors don’t think this decision through and wind up unsafe, unsupported, lonely and even housebound.

  • All About the Shingles Vaccine

    Anyone who had chicken pox growing up may develop shingles later in life. Painful resurgence of the zoster virus is common in people older than 60, but it can be prevented with a single shot.

  • 5 Benefits of Home Care for Seniors

    If you have concerns about a senior’s ability to live independently or your growing responsibilities as their sole caregiver, consider both the tangible and intangible benefits of home care services.

  • Documenting Life with Dementia

    Actress Connie Shulman discusses the life-altering impact of learning that her friend had frontotemporal dementia, and the importance of bringing awareness and support to families dealing with a dementia diagnosis.

  • Multigenerational Households: The Ins and Outs of In-law Suites

    A multigenerational household may seem convenient, but there are many important factors to consider before moving to a larger home or building an addition to accommodate an elder.

  • Caring for Your Parent: An Action Plan for Adult Children

    When your aging Mom or Dad needs help, the role of family caregiver can seem overwhelming. Use this five-step plan to ensure you’re prepared to care for an aging parent.

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  • 5 Qualities to Look for in a Caregiver

    When looking for a caregiver, don’t focus solely on training and credentials. Including these five important attributes in your selection criteria will help ensure you hire a compassionate, experienced in-home care aide.

  • How to Talk to Aging Parents About Their Future Plans

    Most seniors and their adult children avoid talking about aging and long-term care planning, but sidestepping the issue can be risky. Use these 10 tips to get the conversation started and ensure your family is prepared for whatever may lie ahead.

  • How to Be a Better Patient

    Use these 7 tips to become an active participant in your medical care and you'll have a better care experience with more successful outcomes.

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  • Is Caring for Aging Parents More Stressful Than Getting Divorced?

    When an aging loved one's health begins to fail, families are confronted by a variety of challenging decisions. Making care decisions for aging parents has been identified as a significant life stressor.

  • 4 Steps for Successful Long-Term Care Planning With a Spouse

    As a couple, facing the financial and emotional requirements of long-term care is a challenge. Here are the four steps to successful long-term care planning with a spouse.

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  • Memory Care: The Greatest Gift We Could Give Mom

    The progression of her Alzheimer's disease over the last eight years had been pretty much textbook. Still, nothing could have prepared us for the process of putting mom in memory care.

  • Independent Living vs. Assisted Living: Everything You Need to Know

    Differences between assisted living and independent living include supportive and medical care, amenities, costs, and residential spaces.

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