Caring for Dad: Resources & Support for Caregivers
Advice, information and support for family caregivers who are either providing hands-on care or making long-term care decisions for their aging father. Browse expert articles for information and resources as well as personal stories written by caregivers who share their own experience with becoming dad's caregiver.
Transitioning into the role of caring for an elderly parent can be full of challenges. Find help and support in the caregiver forum from the shared wisdom of other caregivers. Whether you need answers to a specific question or just want to participate in discussions with those who understand, AgingCare can help you throughout the caregiving journey.
Dad Articles
Dad is devastated after his Alzheimer's diagnosis. How can the family help?
Alzheimer’s is indeed a devastating diagnosis for anyone. Spend as much time as you can enjoying the things your family likes to do while taking steps to plan for the future.
6 Comments4 Elder Law Organization Techniques That Helped Us Care for Dad
As an elder law attorney, I was prepared for the day when my father began experiencing symptoms of memory loss. I knew what elder care documents to prepare, what information to have on hand, and how to keep everything organized and accessible.
20 CommentsSundowning with Dad
My father recently began to display signs of Sundowners Syndrome. Here's how mom and I handle sundowning with dad.
28 CommentsMy Nightly Ritual With Dad
When I moved home to take care of my dad, I was determined to make the most of every remaining second we had together. I envisioned fun outings and reminiscing about the past, but it turns out that he had other plans in mind.
20 CommentsHow Moving to a Nursing Home Transformed My Father's Final Months
I had always believed that aging parents should be cared for at home. When I finally made the difficult decision to hand over my caregiving duties to the professionals, it allowed me to truly enjoy spending precious time with my dad.
Dad Questions
What to do when loved one won't share info or give POA?
7 AnswersMargaretMcKen Answered 55 min agoI live with my dad and take care of him, can I get paid to be his caregiver?
2 Answersfreqflyer Answered Sep 16, 2024My dad wants me to replace my mom who passed away. What do I do??
34 AnswersToughpatch1 Answered Sep 12, 2024How do I motivate my 84 year old Dad?
14 AnswersMiaMoor Answered Sep 4, 2024
Dad Discussions
Aging is inevitable.
11 CommentsAnxietynacy Commented Aug 25, 2024Deceased parent/inheritance among siblings.
2 CommentsAlvaDeer Commented Mar 26, 2024Mother has cancer and my father is making everything more difficult. Any advice?
7 CommentsCatskie62 Commented May 2023Emotionally abusive father.
2 Commentsravensdottir Commented Aug 2022