
Good morning everyone,

Over the weekend, we experienced a technical issue that prevented users from logging into the AgingCare site. The issue was fixed, but some users did not regain access immediately. Our development team did a sweep for affected users yesterday and restored their access.

If you were having issues logging in, a simple password reset will get you back into your account.

Some profile pages were showing 404 errors as part of this issue. These profile pages have been restored.
If you have further issues with seeing your profile page or logging into your account, please use the “Send Us a Message” form on this page to let us know:

Updates on other fixes:
Our automatic spam blocker has been extra sensitive as of late and some users have been incorrectly blocked from posting. A fix for this is being coded and should be ready in approximately 2 weeks (allow a few extra days for testing and troubleshooting). If you feel you’ve been blocked in error, please use the “Send Us a Message” form on this page to let us know:

Message deletion is down on profile pages. A fix for this will be coded after the work on the spam blocker.

Additionally, our roadmap for the future includes building a messaging "block" feature, to stop messages from people you don't want to hear from.
In the meantime, you can hide the public messages other users have left on your wall by going to and turning off “Show Public Messages” in your privacy settings.

We appreciate your patience, and the support you show one another on AgingCare.

-The AgingCare Tech Team

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“Message deletion is down on profile pages. A fix for this will be coded after the work on the spam blocker.”

Thanks for finally telling us what’s going on with this, and for assuring us it’s getting fixed.

All GREAT improvements. THANK YOU AGINGCARE TEAM!!!!!!!!!

Thank you AC Team for this update.

Thank you

Thank you. Good work!

Thanks for the update.

Q. to admins:

Private vs. Public messages:
Used to have a feature, click on the 3 dots, change a message
from public to private;

I liked that feature.
Is that still available/active?

Looking forward to the new "block" feature to block selected posters from leaving a message on our wall. So very private, so very cool.

Maybe we could "block" our News Feed too?
I have "unfollowed" so many posts and posters, trying to find a way to not have multiple posts spam my news feed.

Thanks for the info.

AgingCareCM: Thank you.

To your question, Sendhelp, that feature is still available. Do send us a message via the About Us page if you're finding it's not working.

For new features--we are determining the most effective ways to gather ideas and feedback from the community for these as we move toward improving the site. Stay tuned!

Update from the Tech Team:

The fix to the automatic spam blocker will be released tomorrow. We took care to test it against long-term users' accounts that have been previously auto-blocked in error due to very sensitive spam filter settings.

You shouldn't be getting auto-blocked anymore after posting non-rule-breaking content. If you do find yourself blocked again, please send us a message via the "Send Us a Message" form on

Next up, we are working on restoring the message delete function. We'll also be pinning this post and a post from the community moderator to the top of newsfeeds so these important updates don't get buried in the forum.

Thanks everyone!

Thank you! Appreciate it.

Thank you for the hard work.

Thank you! Especially for testing the spam blocker on us "old timers"!

This thread was top of my news feed this morning, is that a new feature?

I also noticed that the accessibility icon is back, I haven't seen that in a long time.

And yesterday the site created a hyperlink from a Canadian government address I posted - nice!

Are there members still unable to access the site? Have missed seeing quite a few awesome members lately :(

I have a question if our admins can answer? More curiosity than anything else? Of late we have so many new OPs on our page daily. In the four years I have been here I haven't ever seen anything like it. My question is, does our site currently do new outreach in new places. For instance are we advertised as an aging care forum on other web sites currently, thus attracting more folks to our page? I am loving it.

I would love a way to make our PRIVATE messages PUBLIC. I am no longer even responding to private messages and am making any posts I send public. It would be wonderful to have a way to make public private, private public and a way to block folks if we wish. Don't know if it is tough to do IT/mechanically, but I love FB's block button. If you don't think someone is appropriate you press the magic button and never see them again, nor they you.
Just an idea but perhaps tough to implement?

Thank you for your good work.

Good Morning, and thank you AC Admins and tech for everything you do for us!
When I saw this post at the top of my news feed, I remembered what you had written to us previously:

" We'll also be pinning this post and a post from the community moderator to the top of newsfeeds so these important updates don't get buried in the forum."

ok, so the little blue man (really a blue dot with a white stick figure) is an accessibility icon?

Does everyone have one?

Should I click on it? (Reset all).

Unless there is something you'd like to change I'd leave your settings alone Send. I'm on a desktop and have everything set up the way I like it in my browser (Firefox), so the accessibility functions are just not useful to me.

So cool! I was able to hide the widget icon "indefinitely!"
No more little blue man. Thanks!

Is it true that the Admins just brought this info to the top of our newsfeed, and there are no new changes?

I still cannot delete private messages, or public messages.

Wouldn't it be a good thing if we could delete private messages after we sent them?

"I still cannot delete private messages, or public messages.
Wouldn't it be a good thing if we could delete private messages after we sent them?"

About 2 weeks ago, AC said they would fix the delete button "tomorrow". They said they would fix the spam filter "today", and the next day, the delete button. And then somehow, it didn't get done. They fixed the spam.

Delete hasn't been fixed yet. I think delete hasn't been working since January (that means total 5 months). I really don't think that's good (that AC is this late in fixing this issue). All internet forums, social networks, ensure that you can delete, so you have some privacy.

I do want to warn other forum members, be careful, maybe the site isn't so safe, isn't so private. For example, can be hacked. Or simply, since delete doesn't work, your private stuff remains sometimes, unintentionally.

Why does it matter? Because health is extremely private. And we vent here about all sorts of private issues. It is of course important that we can delete our private messages. Or as others pointed out, sometimes you get unwanted private messages and don't want to see them, prefer to delete them.

Im still curious about the disappearing members.

Cats - which members are you thinking about? Some may stop coming to AC on their own.

I miss BurntCaregiver.

Venting, I believe I saw BurntCaregiver posting today? I think a lot of us periodically take some time off; I sure do myself. And I sure agree we miss those whose advice we love and count on.

PB, some familiar members have distinct avatars & haven't seen them lately. Even opinionated people have good advice to offer. Totally understand though, it's hard enough being(or been)a caregiver and needing a little break from things that cause stress

Update from the Tech Team:

Delete feature for messages has been coded and is being tested at the moment. A fix like this one is not instantaneous, so we appreciate your understanding while it is being worked on.

We had a referral form that was popping/opening incorrectly on some pages today, we've corrected that.

The blue widget on the bottom right of your screen is for accessibility. It is there by default for any user to change font size, colors, etc. If you don't like seeing it, click it, scroll to the bottom, and click "Move/Hide Widget".

The tech team is not involved in mod activities and cannot answer questions about who is posting or not posting. Remember that some users choose to take breaks from the site periodically for their own reasons.

Finally, the best place to submit technical issues is on the /aboutus page, using the "Send Us a Message" form, the Tech Team is not reading the forum, our role is to keep things working on the back end, so sending a message via the form is the way to bring things to our attention.

Thanks, all.

Nice features on the widget. Thanks!

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