My wife who had been in a nursing home died suddenly last Friday. This was unexpected. She went in her sleep. Right now, I feel like I will be unable to share experiences further here and probably will not participate any longer. With time I may feel different and come back. Life is unpredictable.
Please surround yourself with support, family and friends.
Call hospice for counseling.
Join a grief support group, either in-person or online.
You need to talk to people who understand.
Don't internalize your grief and keep everything to yourself.
In time, you will be alright.
Hugs to you.
May The Lord give you grieving mercies, peace and comfort during this difficult time.
I am so sorry for your loss. I am glad that she didn’t suffer. Of course, you will grieve the loss of your wife.
Cherish your memories. She wouldn’t want you to remain sad forever.
Wishing you peace as you go through this difficult journey.
Again, Frank, I am so very sorry for your loss.
My Mom passed 5 yrs ago and I stayed. There are a lot of us that are not caring anymore but share what we learned and I am still learning.
Your experience could help another man going thru the same thing.