
Hello everyone, my MIL is in LTC in a very well-managed facility in a suburb close to where I live. Up until now, they have been virus-free. A few days ago we were notified an employee had symptoms, then tested positive and was quarantined, etc. Yesterday we were notified a 2nd employee now infected, as well as a LTC resident one floor below my MIL. Other than short-term memory issues and refusal to get out of bed, my 85-yr old MIL has no real underlying conditions except her age. However, we are bracing for any possibilities.

Mainly just posting to point out that the weak link is still people. The NH can't control what their employees do when they clock out (nor should they). Those of us who are longing to physically be with our seniors and LOs need to continue to be patient and understanding, and remember that any contact brings risk. That being said, I'm just pondering if spread into NHs is just inevitable since the quarantining and lockdowns can't continue forever, and even with best efforts the virus still sneaks in. Praying for a treatment that works quickly, and eventually a vaccine. Here's wishing all of you with LOs in care communities continued peace in your hearts as we move through this together.

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I agree with your points Geaton777. The spread depends on many factors and we really have no control over them inside the LTC facilities. My LO happens to be in MC in a rather small, privately owned facility. It's in a rural county and so far, they have no cases of covid 19. I have been assured that the staff are extremely diligent about PPE, taking temperatures before shifts and limiting their contacts with anyone outside their family. But, who knows how long that will hold. One weak link and it can change overnight. I think I'm prepared for that. My LO is end stage dementia, mostly bedridden, on hospice and at her severely small size and poor health, I can't image she would last long at all. I don't want her to suffer though.

I too, pray for improved treatments and a vaccine every day, often, during the day. If this trying time has taught me anything, it's how precious life is and that I need to get my priorities straight.

Depending on what you say is where it gets posted by AC.

I personally think that there is more known about this virus than has been shared by China or released by the CDC.

It is a virus and there has never been a vaccine created that touches viruses. There is no killing something that is dead to begin with. It is a matter of improved immunity and treatments that penetrate the shell of the virus to destroy it. Never happened yet, don't see it happening now. Especially when it has been fooled with in a lab to intentionally create animal to human cross over.

This is what happens when scientists believe that they can play around with nature. They create pure evil.

When they fully understand how this is transmitted then we will see a slowing and methods to stop transmission. I think that we are not being told how this is really transmitted and that is why the best protection is not sufficient.

New cases are of individuals that have self quarantined and done everything they have been told to do, no contact, sterilization of everything that comes into their homes, wearing gloves and masks while handling the items, not seeing another living soul and coming down with the virus.

Sorry for the rant, I believe that we just need to know that we don't know and protect ourselves through immunity reinforcement and common sense. Wash those hands at every chance and remember that vitamin C, B complex, D3 and probiotics every morning.

Vaccines are a preventative measure that specifically target viruses.

Like polio. Like influenza.

Yes, wash hands!

In our area with low CV infection rates (less than 300 in the Northeast TN region of 864,000+ with over 18,000+ people tested), the two largest LTC facilities have had 2-3 employees test positive, but none of the residents were positive which I believe indicates the modified care giving procedures/processes are working. In other areas of our state, a couple of LTC facilities have had dozens of residents hospitalized with most surviving but a significant number of deaths. These infections mostly came in April around the larger cities. TN is testing health care workers, LTC workers and residents weekly now so I expect any future infections within facilities will be caught sooner and impact fewer people.

I posted many weeks ago that I had zero confidence that our loved ones would be safe in any kind of facility because I had seen first hand how staff members were the weakest link - too many shortcuts by caregivers who don't take infection control protocols seriously, too much nickle and diming by management, and a lot of lip service but much too slow in implementing changes. The early days have been gruesome in many facilities but I am actually more hopeful now, at least here in my province EVERYONE is focused on long term care and outbreaks are being successfully isolated and resolved. My worry is that the herculean effort can't be sustained indefinitely and just throwing bonuses at front line workers isn't going to change the underlying problems.

While the virus has not gotten into my mother's ALF, the ED sends out a weekly email reminding us that it's almost inevitable that it eventually WILL. Sooner or later, someone will test positive, since the virus is so highly contagious and there are 125 residents living there and a ton of staff coming and going. If and when the virus does reach the ALF, it won't be the 'fault' of will just be the law of averages. They are taking SUCH huge precautions and measures to avoid infection, it's amazing. If/when the virus does reach the ALF, I have no doubt the affected parties will be either kept out of the facility and quarantined inside of their rooms to prevent further spread. That's all anyone can do. If my mother catches it, so be it. All of us humans here on Earth are in the same boat right now, aren't we?

I agree that the restrictions need to STAY in place and visitations need to be prevented at these places. The treatments seem to be coming in faster these days, and I'm grateful for that. In fact, my 80-something year old aunt in rehab caught COVID19 and was cured with Hydroxychloraquine and a ZPack. It ain't over till it's over, is it?

Barb, you don't really believe that the flu shot is a vaccine?

Isthisrealyreal, if the flu shot isn't a vaccine, what is it?

Influenza vaccines are also called flu shots.

Real, why do you think the flu shot ISN'T a vaccine?

Vaccine: a substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies and provide immunity against one or several diseases, prepared from the causative agent of a disease, its products, or a synthetic substitute, treated to act as an antigen without inducing the disease.

Immunity: the ability of an organism to resist a particular infection or toxin by the action of specific antibodies or sensitized white blood cells.

If the flu shot is truly a vaccine it doesn't even meet the above definitions. It causes cases of the flu while lowering immunity to other infections. Like 50 to 65% of " vaccinated" people get the flu. So you are welcome to believe what you want and I will believe the numbers, because we all know that we are led by misinformation to keep the herd in line.

Recent research shows that the individuals in Italy that received the latest "vaccine" for flu are the ones that had the worse outcome when contracting the corona virus. Does that sound like a product that meets the very definition of what it is touted to be?

I am not going to change my mind about the flu or covid "vaccine", it is a bunch of wanna be gods destroying people's lives by pumping poison into their systems annually. The facts don't match what the public is told by the opinionated news, maybe if people demand objective reporting we would have some truth about this lie perpetuated on the public.

I haven't seen the research you cite, Real. I would be interested to read it.

Heres the CDC.

This is also from the CDC. It is also sort of basic science:

Flu vaccines cause antibodies to develop in the body about two weeks after vaccination. These antibodies provide protection against infection with the viruses that are used to make the vaccine.

Barb & Isthisrealyreal - It is pointless to get into a vaccine anti vaxxer debate here - lets all agree to disagree on this one and move on please.

I'm frankly confused.

If Isthisrealyreal is anti vaxxer, why is she incredulous that I think that the "flu shot" is a vaccine?

I will drop this. Stay safe and healthy, all.

Isthisrealyreal, I understand what you're saying but it can't really be known how many cases of seasonal flu are *prevented* by the vaccine very year. There must have been some impetus to develop this vaccine in the first place. Full disclosure, I'm not an "anti-vaxxer" but because I'm still young-ish and have no underlying chronic conditions, I usually don't get a flu shot (but I have gotten it in the past because 2 of my kids have asthma and I was setting an example for them in their youth). I will say that I have a beef against the Tetanus shot...I'm never near any rusty nails or manure, so what's the point of it? That one is totally irrational.

That's all I have to say about vaccines.

I discovered today that a family friend who is age 48 and who works in a long term care facility in my parent's community is very sick with covid. She's been transferred to a large medical facility for life saving measures. She was healthy and going to work at the LTC when she got sick. Her sister has it too. I pray she recovers. This is a small facility and the public reports say that there are 16 staff members positive and 11 residents. I am in total shock, though, I shouldn't be at this point. I know it will reach my LO's MC. It is about 30 minutes from this place in an adjacent county. I have been thinking that it wouldn't, but, I think it will now.

A vaccination is a treatment that makes the body stronger against an infection. If you get a flu shot and you do happen to get the flu, the symptoms won’t be as severe.

The problem with the flu shot is that is doesn’t cover every strain, it only covers the strain(a) they think will be most predominate during flu season. There have been years where it was virtually ineffective because it didn’t cover the predominate strain. And some forms of the vaccine simply didn’t work. My kids got the nasal mist one year and it was completely ineffective and discontinued the following year.

I’m with you Geaton, praying for a treatment that works quickly and eventually a vaccine. Take care and stay safe!

Lots of assumptions that I am an anti vaxxer.

Not true in the least.
(Edit: I travel the world and am required to get vaccines to even enter some countries. )

Just because I state my opinion I get labeled on this forum, good job ladies! Do you feel self righteous now? Or do you have something else you want to call me or others for having our own opinions?

I am sure that I will get censored for saying this, because there are only a chosen few that can say whatever they want to whomever they want.

I think that COVID is like houses with termites in Georgia. Those who have had them and those that are going to have them.

Seems like this virus is so contagious that, soon enough, we will be counting people who don't have it instead of the ones that do.

Do what we can to protect ourselves and our loved ones while continuing our lives.

Metoo, same for AZ. It's not if you get termites, it's when.

Geaton 777, on the issue of tetanus shots...for gardeners, woodworkers and others who work with tools, it definitely is worth getting the shot. I don't remember if my father had had a tetanus shot before his radial arm saw attacked him, but if he hadn't, he would certainly have gotten one before his hand surgery.

Gardening has exposed me to a lot of tools, some of which just don't cooperate when I've tried to clean them. So I am glad to get a tetanus shot in the event of anything happening, which it did when my jaw was broken was taking down a a tree. The saw was in contact with the branch, so there was a possibility of infection from whatever had been on the tree, including animals, of which there are plenty in my area.

At one point I worked for a plaintiff lawfirm handling product liability lawsuits. The number of workers injured by a specific type of industrial press was alarming. I don't recall what kind of metal was used in the presses, or exactly how they worked, but the workers were definitely exposed to injury potential behind a malfunctioning press. And who knows what was used to clean the metal, or what insects or critters might have lived in or visited the plant?

I think a lot of the value or lack thereof depends on a person's lifestyle and exposure.

And I'm not arguing or disagreeing with you, just trying to share a different viewpoint.

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