
I’ve just read a confronting article suggesting that we are in for many many more pandemics, much more frequently, with NO ‘return to normal’.

‘The way we were living prior to COVID, the intimate interactions with animals, this globally connected transport network, these massive mega-cities, all those things are an accident waiting to happen’. ‘Exploiting animals exposes us to their viruses’. “It’s accelerating,” Nobel laureate immunologist Professor Peter Doherty says. “We have got an enormous increase in threat.”

‘The Black Death took five years to circle Europe. An emerging virus in a city with an airport is instantly a global threat’ . ‘We need some sort of global agreement to instantly ground the world’s airplanes’.

And even more cheery stuff! I’m sure you can find it too!

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I’ve also seen the articles. I respect the expertise of those predicting all the gloom, but also think it’s important not to live in dread and fear. We only get this one life, we can live with a reasonable amount of attempting to be safe, but it’s important to enjoy the time we have. After all, none of us is getting out of here alive. I hope we’ll come to a better balance of being careful while also being carefree and enjoying our time

Here I thought you were actually going to give us something positive to "cheer us up." That article just like our government would like to keep us all living in a state of fear, but thankfully the Good Lord has given us all a sound mind, and we get to choose how we will react to all the negativity around us. I personally choose to live my life without fear, to make the most of every day, and to find joy in the simple things. Life is way too short(as a lot of us here are more than aware of) to live it in dread and fear, and I just refuse to. And I hope and pray that you all refuse to as well. God bless you all.

But I'm not cheered at all...🤔😭

All the more reason to live every day as though it is your last, 🍰🥂💃🏾

I’m sorry I’ve upset people, I shouldn’t have been so cynical about ‘cheering us up’.

I thought it was interesting to see something factual and understandable, rather than just rubbish either way. And I was selfish too – on an isolated farm, we don’t face most of the risks. Every time we go to a city, we pass through more and more building for a steadily increasing population, so it all seems to make sense.

The government here certainly doesn’t want us to live in ‘a state of fear’ - they want us all to go out (safely) and spend money. Cheerfully, if possible. At least my days of international travel are well and truly over! Apologies again, folks.

In case you don’t follow it, I do post regularly to the site called ‘jokes for the caregiver’.
If you lose the link, you can find it by entering ‘jokes’ in the search box next to the magnifying glass at the top right of the screen.

I take a bit of trouble to be cheerful, including buying new joke books every time I go to an Op Shop. (Cwillie, yesterday I gave away the ‘When I was a kid I thought ...’ that you disliked so much) It would be great to have new posters to that site, and to give a few more of us a little giggle.

Yours covered in shame, Margaret

This guy sounds like a real jovial fella!!

Actually, I tend to be a bit of a morose, Eeyore-type so these kinds of articles are right in my wheelhouse. I really don’t mind them at all. Bring it on!

Thanks, Margaret! 😉

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