
After being in Memory Care since June of 2019, and after taking 55 falls due to advanced dementia, my mother is now transitioning and taking the final leg of her journey on earth. It came unexpectedly, although she's been declining for the past 6 months. I believe she had a TIA about 12 days ago b/c her upper lip was droopy and she was slumping over more than usual in her wheelchair. The hospice nurse advised that TIA are oftentimes precursors to bigger events down the road. On Sunday of this week, she could no longer sit up in her wheelchair & had to be moved into her easy chair in her apartment. On Tuesday she went to bed and has been there ever since. I feel like she may have had a real stroke, but we'll never know for sure.

She's now developed a fever and is short of breath; the nurse feels heart failure is at play. She's being kept comfortable by hospice, who's been marvelous since they accepted her in late December. I've been visiting her every day & listening to her whisper to someone she's having a conversation with that I can't see. It's probably one of her beloved late sister's she's been talking about incessantly for months now. :)

We are scheduled to leave for AZ next Friday for my DH to have a liver transplant at the Mayo Clinic in Phoenix. We can postpone the trip if necessary, by about a week or so. I don't feel like my mother is going to last too much longer in this condition, though, but only God knows her future.

Please keep us in your prayers if you are so inclined, as this is a particularly difficult time with mom's transition and an impending liver transplant coming up. I fluctuate between feeling relieved that her pain & suffering is coming to an end, and incredibly sad at the same time for having to bury my mother. I'm sure you can relate to that mixed bag of emotions.

Thanks in advance to all who read this and send their prayers/good vibes/well wishes. You are appreciated.

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((((((((hugs)))))))) and prayers, lea, for your mother, husband, yourself and all family. May God's grace and wisdom be on you as you negotiate this very difficult time. Special prayers for an easy transition for your mum and for your hub's upcoming surgery. and for strength for you.

Prayers Lealonnie.

My heart goes out to you. I can relate to having so much to deal with at once, I think I had a cortisol rush just reading your post.

Big virtual hugs. I hope everything goes as well as it possibly can.

Oh, Lealonnie, I am so sorry. You have been so wonderful in all of this. I am hoping things go easily for your Mom. I understand so much your feelings; I will tell you when my own Dad went peacefully I felt almost nothing but relief. I remember going outside to stand and thought how I only felt happiness for his never having to suffer or be afraid again. I hope it is so for you. I can tell you also, he is close at my side all these years. Love out to you in this time. And to your Mom.

I'm so sorry. Wishing you peace during this very difficult journey.

LL, I am so sorry, hoping for a peaceful transition for you all.

You've taken such good care of your mom throughout all these years, it's easy to understand having such mixed emotions. While you will have relief that she no longer has to suffer in the condition she's in, you will miss the only mom you've known.
I continue to keep you and your husband in my prayers, and trust that God will work out all things as they are meant to be.
You've been such an inspiration to so many, and I know that you will continue to do so. May God bless you and keep you.

Lealonnie, ((((((hugs))))))).

Please do what is best for your husband.

Barb, I don't think I could leave her if she's dying and go to AZ. We'd have to postpone, although I don't think she's going to last too long in this condition

Funky..... I've never felt stronger that God has this. Ever.

Thinking of you and your family. Good luck with your mother and your husband. That's a lot to have on your plate. ♥️♥️

Ah, Lea, I'm so very sorry. Prayers for you, DH and mom.

Lea, I'm glad your mom has great hospice care. What a blessing that is. I pray for a peaceful end time for her and for you. Sounds like you're going to roll with things one day at a time before making decisions about the trip and Hub's transplant. I think that's understandable. Wishing your mom, you, and hubs peace and comfort in the days to come.

Big hugs.

Ohmygoodness that really is too much to keep calm about all at once. Take care to take some care of you, won't you x

lealonnie - I am sorry for you impending loss. I am praying that your mom will pass peacefully and quickly. The waiting and watching are so nerve racking.

And the best wishes for your husband's upcoming operation.

dear Lealonnie
sending much love and thinking of you all xxx

So sorry, sending prayers.

So sorry to read this post. No more falls for your sweet mom. Know that we are keeping watch with you.

Keeping you in my prayers Lea.

That’s so much to deal with. Stay strong and take it one day at a time.

I'm sorry to see this, I'll be keeping you in my thoughts.

I think about your situation alot. I hope there is a power overseeing this difficult time. I hope you don't have to delay your trip unless all could still go smoothly a week later. I also wish your mother can find peace and comfort and not suffering at this likely final stage. You have been such a strong support to her as well as to so many here on this site.

What a lovely farewell note you've written. Comfort to you all.

Mom passed tonight at 9:33 pm. We spent all day with her, all week actually. I knew she'd take her final breath tonight, after we left and she was alone. She lived a long life and died with a peaceful look on her face. Hospice was phenomenal and kept her comfortable the entire week. She got to see her great grandson again and she woke up when she heard him cry. She saw her grandchildren and all the caregivers were in and out of her room the entire week paying their respects. One young and particularly lovely girl named Angelica said she was honored to meet mom at the end of her life when she was beginning hers, so she could carry her memory with her forever. That touched me tremendously.

We can leave for AZ soon without the worry of mom's declining health hanging over us, thank God. We're waiting for a call from thr Mayo clinic tomorrow to see about driving down there.

Thank you to all who have reached out with kindness at this difficult time. I appreciate it,

This timing. has finally worked to help you move forward and concentrate on your husband. I am glad this very long journey has its closure. I know how much you gave towards her care. I wish you peace and strength in dealing with her passing and providing all you need for your husband's future.

LL I am so sorry for your loss. Now, safe travels and best wishes to hubs on his upcoming surgery.

((((((hugs))))) lea This long journey is over. You have done so well. Prayers for you and your hub for the coming surgery and time of recovery. Take care of you!

Dear lea
I’m so sorry for your loss. sending biggest love to you and your family. I hope your husband surgery goes well.
take care

Lea, (((((hugs)))))) and Hodspeed to you and DH.

I'm so glad that you'll be able to remember your mom with peace and that she had a positive impact upon the folks who cared for her.

Dear lealonnie, I am sorry for your loss and no time to grieve. May your mother be watching over you and your husband on your way to Mayo clinic and when husband has his surgery.

My condolences for your loss.
Many prayers for your comfort at this difficult time.
May God protect you, and keep you, and give you peace. 🕯

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