I'm tired of cooking/preparing 3 meals a day. It's just the two of us but boy oh boy can that woman eat!! She stays slimish, I get fattish. It's bad enough I do everything here much less start making her one thing and me the other. At times I feel guilty when I buy her fast food cuz of the nutritional value....not to mention I eat it too.
I have usually very easy asthma, but it became SUPER sensitive to smoke. When the fires smoke blows in I get trapped inside and unable to exercise. So I’m sending you clean air asap and a relief to the worry about where the fire will go next.
And Firefighters ARE the best!
When I had my colonoscopy, they removed a very small bleeding polyp.
I had results as soon as they were ready.
Do you have advice nurses in your system? Because they can get you through real quick at Kaiser.
I suppose I can inquire through my family doctor, or I could try the hospital's main switchboard because I know there's a real live person answering the phones there.
I've heard rumors Canadas health care was having issues
Inquire through your doctor, just to be sure that your polyp is benign.
Still doing ok here.
About 39% containment on the fire.
Always follow-up because you know we cannot trust the system to work 100%.
You don't want to be someone who falls through the cracks in the system after going through that procedure.
You should have results in about 2 weeks after the procedure, if not, just call the office and ask all the questions you want.
I totally agree with Send and Golden. Follow through with this.
Please don't assume. Things fall through the cracks.
I had a hard time at the beginning of my last cancer diagnosis with just TOO many docs being on the thing. Each came to think the other was following up. It delayed things by close to a month. My own doc thought the Breast Health Clinic was on it and the Breast Health thought a surgeon and my own doc were on it and so on and so forth. I had GREAT care and MANY docs, social workers, but at once point I said "Please. WHO IS IN CHARGE. I can't tell over these two weeks of flying messages".
Just follow up. OR leave your doc a call that you haven't heard a darn thing and you "are ASSUMING therefore that everything is all right, but if it ISN'T then they should know that you are unaware of that and have no results. Just saying.............I die? I will haunt you".
Okay, I'll try another round of phone calls. But the whole thing is already making my blood boil, it reminds me of the days when doctors acted like gods and treated their patients like ignorant children, "there, there, don't worry your little head about that, I know best"! And it shouldn't take jumping through so many hoops to get a simple three sentence report - all I need is Report viewed. Polyp benign. Follow up in X years.
I will leave you alone and trust you have your best interests at heart.
I would bet just anything you are free and clear. I just am not much of a gambler overall.
And they SHOULD be letting you know.
It isn't like you're asking them to drink a gallon of clean-me-out juice and stick their bare bottoms in the air. You just are asking to know if you are OK.
I got concerned only because they suggested (If I heard right) you make a "follow up appointment" in two weeks. Usually they say "see you in another 10 years." Why would they want to SEE you; you will just get testy with them!
I am not happy with our governor’s decision to sign a controversial bill which requires all public schools from kindergarten to collegiate level to display the Ten Commandments in every classroom.
No other state mandates that the Ten Commandments are displayed in their public schools.
Our governor blatantly admitted that he can’t wait to get sued!
I support a person’s right to practice their religious beliefs in their homes, in religious schools or in churches. I don’t feel it is appropriate in public schools.
The ACLU has said that public schools are not Sunday schools.
This bill is violating the separation of church and state. It’s only the beginning with our governor. He’s ultra conservative. He’s the opposite of our former governor.
I think Texas did also, not sure.