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send - glad you are OK.

Sends, just was watching the news, and was thinking of you. Hoping things are ok

I hope things take a big turn for the better, Send!

I have usually very easy asthma, but it became SUPER sensitive to smoke. When the fires smoke blows in I get trapped inside and unable to exercise. So I’m sending you clean air asap and a relief to the worry about where the fire will go next.

And Firefighters ARE the best!

Thinking of you, Send.

My husband and I have the same whine. Let's face it; eating is required, but fixing it after umpteen years is boring. We mix it up; he cooks; I cook; neither cooks. No one starves. Nutrition suffers, but we survive. Hang in there. Whining is fine.

It's to hot to cook, clean or move , 😂 that my whine moment it's 🥵.

I never got a call back after my colonoscopy (I think they said something about setting up a phone appointment within 2 months but I was kind of out of it at the time) so today I called the number on the card provided. What I got was an automated voice mail menu listing several doctors, none of them mine. I random selected one and ended up with a voice mailbox that more or less said they get too many messages and may not get around to checking them all, so I didn't leave a message. I'm stymied.

I would be stymied to, cw.

When I had my colonoscopy, they removed a very small bleeding polyp.

I had results as soon as they were ready.

Yeah, my husband got the results right after also

I know they removed a small polyp but I'm not worried about it being anything other than benign, it's just frustrating to be told something about a follow up phone call and then not be able to get in touch. Unfortunately I deleted all the emails so I can't access them that way either.

cwillie, does your current hospital system send you the lab and biopsy results online? Usually Kaiser does, tho if concerning they will not post them until they speak with you, or if there is some followup. At this point I would leave a message anywhere and everywhere.
Do you have advice nurses in your system? Because they can get you through real quick at Kaiser.

I'm in Canada Alva, my province spent billions on a computerized information portal that AFAIK has never worked 🙄. When our systems work they are very, very good but when they don't they are horrible, and since covid and the rise of populist politics the healthcare system is crumbling.
I suppose I can inquire through my family doctor, or I could try the hospital's main switchboard because I know there's a real live person answering the phones there.

Cwillie, the good bit is that if the colonoscopy showed something important, you almost certainly would have heard, because otherwise the practice is risking liability when you do nothing about it. But I agree, I've always had follow-up information. The specialist last time said that with no symptoms for some time, they would not schedule another colonoscopy after age 75, because the growth is so slow that it is not likely to be a cause of early death. So I'm off the hook, after about 5 of them in my life. I won't miss them at all!

I have a wonky gene which predisposes me to colon and several other cancers Margaret, so lucky me will likely be checked periodically in perpetuity.

Then you definitely want to get the results. Can you call your regular doctor. I agree , call everyone and just keep calling, and leaving messages.

I've heard rumors Canadas health care was having issues


Inquire through your doctor, just to be sure that your polyp is benign.

Cwillie, did you get your morning walk in? I sure didn't. Stepped outside and turned right around.

Yes I did get my walk, it was very pleasant at 8:00 but already getting steamy by the time I was heading home!

Thanks everyone who has commented such kind remarks!
Still doing ok here.

About 39% containment on the fire.

Always follow-up because you know we cannot trust the system to work 100%.

You don't want to be someone who falls through the cracks in the system after going through that procedure.

You should have results in about 2 weeks after the procedure, if not, just call the office and ask all the questions you want.

I did a bunch of phoning yesterday Send and was ultimately directed to my family doctor, whose office told me they don't share test results unless I come in for an appointment. Mind you there was no confirmation they had ever seen the results 🙄 I'm going to assume everything is fine, I'll bring it up the next time I see my doctor (or when hell freezes, whichever comes first)

Honestly, cw. I'd make that appointment and find out to be sure. Chances are that the test results are ok, but I have experienced enough drs errors to not trust them any more. They are, after all, only human like the rest of us and humans do make errors. If it was my thyroid test and I felt OK I wouldn't bother. But this is a different and more risky situation, You have wonky genes and colon cancer is nasty. You've been told about a follow up phone call and not received it. Something got messed up. Please follow up the follow up.


I totally agree with Send and Golden. Follow through with this.

CWillie, you should get those test results. Better safe than sorry.

Please don't assume. Things fall through the cracks.
I had a hard time at the beginning of my last cancer diagnosis with just TOO many docs being on the thing. Each came to think the other was following up. It delayed things by close to a month. My own doc thought the Breast Health Clinic was on it and the Breast Health thought a surgeon and my own doc were on it and so on and so forth. I had GREAT care and MANY docs, social workers, but at once point I said "Please. WHO IS IN CHARGE. I can't tell over these two weeks of flying messages".

Just follow up. OR leave your doc a call that you haven't heard a darn thing and you "are ASSUMING therefore that everything is all right, but if it ISN'T then they should know that you are unaware of that and have no results. Just saying.............I die? I will haunt you".

OMG you people are worse than a mother 🤣
Okay, I'll try another round of phone calls. But the whole thing is already making my blood boil, it reminds me of the days when doctors acted like gods and treated their patients like ignorant children, "there, there, don't worry your little head about that, I know best"! And it shouldn't take jumping through so many hoops to get a simple three sentence report - all I need is Report viewed. Polyp benign. Follow up in X years.

Ha, cwillie. You wouldn't be YOU if you didn't get all testy with us, and I AM a mother!!!! Ha ha. As well as a paranoid ancient nurse.

I will leave you alone and trust you have your best interests at heart.
I would bet just anything you are free and clear. I just am not much of a gambler overall.
And they SHOULD be letting you know.
It isn't like you're asking them to drink a gallon of clean-me-out juice and stick their bare bottoms in the air. You just are asking to know if you are OK.

I got concerned only because they suggested (If I heard right) you make a "follow up appointment" in two weeks. Usually they say "see you in another 10 years." Why would they want to SEE you; you will just get testy with them!

The moon is full @ 98.2% and I just heard that hell has been frozen over for lack of occupants not believing it exists. 🤪

Louisiana seems to be going backwards!

I am not happy with our governor’s decision to sign a controversial bill which requires all public schools from kindergarten to collegiate level to display the Ten Commandments in every classroom.

No other state mandates that the Ten Commandments are displayed in their public schools.

Our governor blatantly admitted that he can’t wait to get sued!

I support a person’s right to practice their religious beliefs in their homes, in religious schools or in churches. I don’t feel it is appropriate in public schools.

The ACLU has said that public schools are not Sunday schools.

This bill is violating the separation of church and state. It’s only the beginning with our governor. He’s ultra conservative. He’s the opposite of our former governor.

Needs, I'm so glad you said that, I saw that and was thinking the same thing!!

I think Texas did also, not sure.

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