I am soon going to be caring for my mother-in-law in my home. I also care for my 4 year old grandson and have a full time job. My mother-in-law has a multitude of medical problems but the one that concerns me is her diabetes. She does not manage it and she tends to bottom out at night. I would like some advice on how I can monitor her at night without making hourly trips to her room to make sure she is ok. Can anyone assist me with this problem?
My mother is a type I diabetic aged 75. She has dementia as well so we know she forgets her meds often. We have asked a visiting nurse to come in (paid in past by insurance) to fill her syringes for the week with the proper amount of insulin, label and place them in the fridge. I often have to take ehr monitor and check her blood sugar myself before she injects herself. I record the blood sugars for the doctor and call them in weekly as the doctor needs to assist in this care also. Adjustments are made accordingly. She doesn't eat well either, so we just keep adjusting the insulin to the weekly blodd sugar numbers and always make sure there is plenty of accessible, healthy foods to nibble on. Good luck, sounds like you have your hands full!
You and your husband should schedule a consult with her doctor. Your husband is blessed to have you, and it is his Mom. He needs to be fully aware of what all is involved, and, how it will affect both of your lives. Sometimes we try to be martyrs, not because of wanting acclaim, but because we just roll with the punches and think we are the ones who have to do it all and figure it all out. Your husband needs to be your caregiving business solutions partner, as it is his Mom that you have agreed to care for. God bless you all, and grant you the full discernment you will need to successfully navigate this caregiving challenge in your lives. Keep sharing as so many of us really do care about what happens to our fellow caregivers.