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Someone ate my impatiens and morning glories. I suspect rabbits. (but I still love the little cuties) I put out pans of water and now they’re leaving my plants alone. I keep fishing young frogs and toads out of the pool in spite of the cover, mostly deceased. I think everything would appreciate a slow soaking rain.

I think cats is what keeps the little rascal away from my house, and saves my plants. The squirrels, not so much, the cats can't seem to outsmart them , and they know it.

I wish the rabbits that are eating my perennials would move on. I’ve never seen this many before . My neighbor is so annoyed he chases them . 🙄🙄🙄

Both my raccoons and my skunks have, for the most part moved on. We always have a water source around in terms of bird bath and so on, and while I had snails in the garden they were here, but they cleaned out every last one (and I am not kidding here) and then moved to better digs. Our city is full of coyotes now, too, so guess we are heading back to nature.

Sounds like those coons are canoodling, or perhaps someone has a nice water feature for them to play in?

Send help, that's kind of cute, I see videos of racoons getting into things, I'm sure it's annoying to live with though.

I was walking down moms steps the other day and saw some over grown weeds, so I pulled them out. Well a snake came out with the weeds . I don't mind snakes horribly, but I like them better when I am expecting them or know they are there. I pretty much like them in a cage. 😂

Racoons are chirping/chortelling outside, sounded like they have broken into the shed!
Sending dH out there.

Just 3 nights ago there were two very big possums sitting on top of the shed.

Forgot how to get rid of racoons.

We removed the skunk monitors because it could have made the budgie nervous with the beeping electronic sounds. He is feeling better now, but not yet 100%.

If that were the only thing, we could handle it.

Way, Gershun and Send: Thank you.


You are welcome Llama. I hope you feel 100 per cent real soon.

Pamz: Thank you.

Llama feel better soon!

You’re welcome Llama. 🤗

Send, Beatty, Margaret, ITRR, Gershun, Alva, Golden and Way: Thank you ALL so very much! My body will take a while to heal, but with good rest, nutrition and hydration I will. Another vehicle can be purchased at some point; I don't require anything fancy.
Llamalover47 💜

Oh Llama Praise The Lord you are okay. May HE touch your body and give you comfort and healing.

Llama, so sorry to hear your news.

A lot of car incidents lately on here. Please be careful everyone. I guess even if you are careful there's no accounting for other drivers.

Llama, take care and rest. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Llamelover, I am so very sorry and you are in my thoughts. It's going to be a while until you know full extent. Keep a good solid diary and cost accounting. I hope this motorist was well insured! You are going to be hurting a while. Take the medications and stool softeners with them. Be careful so there aren't more falls. Again, I am soooo sorry.

(((((hugs)))) llama. That's terrible. Prayers for sure for quick healing and recovery. Take very good care of you!!!

So sorry , I wish you a quick recovery with no lasting effects . 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

Dear Llamalover, I am so sorry to hear about this chapter of accidents. I’m feeling very lucky myself, because we’ve just done a 15000 km trip with no accidents and no dramas that required roadside repairs. Because I just sat still in the truck, I didn't even get a back ache, just a stiff bum. I don’t do ‘pray for you’, but I’ll make an exception tonight, to hope that life treats you better and you feel better too, ASAP. Lots of love, Margaret

Oh oh oh Llama!! Sending my BEST healing thoughts to you for a speedy recovery. You poor thing! RIP your car.

A very bad middle of the week for me. Tuesday I had an MVA and my vehicle is no more. Pulled out and a vehicle traveling fast struck me and air bags deployed. Chest very sore from seat belt. As a result of being administered micrograms of Fentanyl (yes, I questioned it) and taking my own sleep medicatiom, l took 2 falls at 6 A.M. injuring my back, knee and lip..Thursday ER visit showed no spine fractures buf I have a thin skeletal frame so back very sore. Prayers appreciated.

Anyone live in or near Cleveland? Do you like the area?

Christinavorec, you can't solicit here so you're post has been reported.

Hothouse ,
I know. The bridge tolls are crazy . Although the new Goethals bridge is sooo much nicer than the rusty skinny rickety old one .
I haven’t been on the new Tappan Zee ( Cuomo ) bridge , but I’m sure it’s expensive. Probably haven’t been on the George Washington bridge in at least 20 years since we moved off the island either . Back in the 90’s my DH worked for the Port Authority . One of his responsibilities was auditing cost/payments of companies that did ( construction) maintenance of the George Washington bridge . Our phone would ring on Friday and/or Saturday in the middle of the night for DH to approve overtime to fix a movable cement barrier knocked out of place and blocking a lane that got hit by a drunk driver on the GW bridge .

It’s not worth the drive . After my MIL dies , we aren’t going back to the island . Hotel prices are ridiculous too .
We have Zoom now , we can have virtual dinners with the one couple we still know there.
I have younger cousins I never see or hear from , that’s about it. DH only has his mother still there . My in laws were divorced. I’m sure once my deceased FIL’s estate is settled , my DH will never hear from is steppies .

I hear ya all about friends and drinking. In my case it was and still is to a certain extent my own family. Family get togethers always turned into a big drunk.

In fact sometimes they even made it a goal of the evening to "Get someone drunk" I mean who does this? And why? One night I caught on that I was the target. So I gripped my wine glass tightly and nursed it all night. No letting someone refill it when I wasn't looking.

I don't see my fam much anymore but in April my brother turned 60 and so we went. Still drinking! We left early.

Way, We just did a round trip from the Bronx to Staten Island on Saturday. It was horrendous. We went via every freaking toll bridge or tunnel. I don’t even want to think how much we spent on tolls for the privilege of sitting in bumper to
bunper traffic for 4 hours. Just horrible.


We don’t drive through Manhattan , I hate the tunnel under the river .
We take the bridges , which cost a fortune , the Goethals bridge from Jersey to drive through Staten Island , then the Verrazano bridge into Brooklyn , and drive through Brooklyn and Queens on the always bumper to bumper anywhere from 0- 60 mph Belt pkwy, with its suspension killing potholes . I won’t even drive on the Belt anymore , DH has to do it when we go . They literally drive bumper to bumper no matter what speed they are going , no leaving car lengths in between even at 60mph . My shoulders are up by my ears on that stretch now .

Way, It's so weird to me that people in there 60s have to get annoying drunk. Occasional sure but all the time!!

I look at them and then I look at me and hubby, we look so much healthier than them. And honestly much more mentally healthy than they are, when there sober

I live about 3 hours from the city, I've been there maybe 5 times hate it. Really really want to get a bus and see another Broadway play. Saw 2 , wicked and Jersey Boys. That is the only way I'll ever go back.

I can't believe you have to drive through there to get to your inlaws that's a nightmare


I understand that !!
When we first moved in , the neighbor behind us would invite us to come over if he saw us on our deck . There were other neighbors that hung out all summer long at this house on weekends at night. This group drank so much, we stopped going . I like a glass of wine occasionally , but I don’t find hanging out with incoherent people enjoyable.

Now they are in their late 60’s . I only see the two neighbors behind me hanging out drinking . The rest stopped over the years even though they still live across the street from the original party house .

DH never drank , he didn’t like beer and he said the rest of it tastes like cough medicine . It was always awkward for him at business dinners , especially when he was younger . People would ask why he doesn’t drink .
Now he’s diabetic , so he can’t anyway .

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