dad has end stage parkinson's disease and is dependent on others for all his hygiene needs. Teeth brushing is difficult because he clenches his mouth. My father does not have dentures and his own teeth are not that good. Dentists have refused to see him and I don't know what to do.
Use a rotary toothbrush like oral-B or Sonicare. I bought Mom a package of those plastic holders with floss on them - they are disposable. A caregiver could use these on him as well.
Bad oral health can go wrong so fast. Mom had a hairdresser who nearly died from the infection.
If his teeth are getting that bad, he may be at the point where he needs dentures. Mom had partials done last year and is so happy that she can chew again. It is not that hard to get the partials out and clean them.
What do you mean by doctors "refusing to see him?" That is against the law to deny him medical care. Please call your local ALF or NH and ask if they can refer you to a more compassionate dentist. If you are thinking about dentures go to the American College of Prosthodontists for a referral.
good luck