This is the hardest job I have ever done! Its not even a year yet...2 more months for that. Im 30 with 2 kids and a husband and we take care of my grandmother. She gets around fine but can drive you absolutely insane at times. I gave her a memory test because I suspected starting of Alzheimer's and she failed. She didn't remember all the words then a week later she passed? She can be fine one second and the next second scream at you because she don't like turkey lunch meat (she does). Or the kids didn't say good morning or the hair dresser took too long. I guess I just don't understand this memory thing. I let her pay her bills and she does fine with it but as for remembering certain stuff its sometimes impossible, Our yard was damaged by a home city ice truck and it was a month. She said a year. Its little things adding up to make me wonder what is going on with her. At times its ok but recently with me going back to work I am a nervous wreck. There has been alot happen in the almost year and I need to work and no one helps with her or checks on her. There is no one! Just me...I feel it wearing on me. Im a happy positive person and lately I feel tired and just blah. Maybe this vent will help. I love her dearly and would do anything for her but she is driving me batty! This is the hardest job in the world! I think she is going to out live me!
Could your gma have dementia? Maybe. Some say all old people get it to one degree or another. My father had mixed dementia. He was able to function mentally up until the time of his death. He didn't like to bathe or get out of the house, but he didn't show the other symptoms that we associate with dementia (e.g., sundowning, wandering). He was just a quiet man who sat in the same chair all day long and went to bed very early, rarely interacting with anyone. (He was on the "autism spectrum," so we didn't even notice he had dementia. It blended in.) Dementia does not always have to be catastrophic. It is all in how it progresses.
I wish all people that got dementia would go the route where they are totally content with life and loving to everyone around. I have seen that for two people. If everyone were like that, we might all want to get dementia. :)