I was at my 5 year old grandson's soccer game today.
My daughter, who couldn't be there at the start, mentioned that a mutual friend thought that it was so wonderful that I was going.
He shared that HIS mother had NEVER attended any of his 14 year old son's athletic events.
"She says it's not quality time, she doesn't get to talk to him".
This strikes me as the very definition of NPD.
I think this could be useful to other posters.
So sad about this other grandmother not showing up. I guess there could be other factors too, but definitely something to consider.
But my grandson LOVES soccer and so I go to watch him do something that HE loves to do.
Maybe it's not the best example. And I'm not trying to hold myself up as any kind of paragon of grandmotherhood.
But doing what the OTHER person enjoys, at least some of the time, is what life is about, yes?
Quote: "She says it's not quality time, she doesn't get to talk to him"."
That's not why she's not going, that's just a convenient excuse. It's actually because the event isn't centered around her.
For anyone wishing to know more about NPD, Google "Narcissistic Personality Disorder halcyon". Several links will come up; click on any one of them for excellent info.