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Why isn't she chosen the state her trailer is in?

Is she on Medicaid or private pay? Makes difference in how trailer is handled.
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DeeDee39 Jun 2020
She was in a car wreck and flown to Denver for head trauma/broken neck. She needed more care and another surgery. Liked the LTC center she was transferred to (due to travel restrictions/Covid 19) and decided to stay. She's a widow with no bio children. The trailer was to be left to her stepkids but there is no paperwork. Just curious as to what her options are. She's confused and doesn't understand what the nursing home is telling her. So trying to help her understand. This happened 4 months ago and her step son has been paying her lot rent/bills. This woman has no one but her stepkids.
She was in a car wreck and flown to Denver for head trauma/broken neck. She needed more care and another surgery. Liked the LTC center she was transferred to (due to travel restrictions/Covid 19) and decided to stay. She's a widow with no bio children. The trailer was to be left to her stepkids but there is no paperwork. Just curious as to what her options are. She's confused and doesn't understand what the nursing home is telling her. So trying to help her understand. This happened 4 months ago and her step son has been paying her lot rent/bills. This woman has no one but her stepkids.
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JoAnn29 Jun 2020
Your problem will be if she needs Medicaid for her care. All her money, SS and pension, will go to the NH to help offset her care. She will not be able to pay her lot rent or upkeep on the trailer. And the person now paying it is not guaranteed reimbursement if the trailer is sold. Even if paying privately she may need Medicaid within 5 yrs so can not turn it over to anyone in that time frame. My opinion is to sell it and it must be at Market Value. The proceeds will need to go towards her care. One of her steps could buy it but for Medicaid purposes, its needs to be bought at Market Value. I suggest a consult with a lawyer versed in Medicaid about the best way to handle this.
They will likely get guardianship if she cannot come out of her confusion. It is too late for POA if that wasn't done. If it was done already they can continue to manage her bills and payment and can sell the trailer, which would then go to her care. THE LTC facility undoubtedly can guide the family, the step children in this for her interests.
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DeeDee39 Jun 2020
Confused as in uneducated, nothing medical. She said she gave someone POA but th other party has yet to see any paperwork. LTC facility hasn't really communicated with her stepchildren so they most likely won't help. Thanks for replying.
How old is the trailer? Is there any value to it? Call motor vehicle in The county the trailer is located and the assessor's office to try to get a value. Mobile home park office may be interested in purchasing to rent out. But it must be at market value.

Talk with the social worker at the facility.
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DeeDee39 Jun 2020
Its a newer trailer but unfortunately they will not get fair trade value from it because it's in bad shape. It will need so much work in order to make it livable.

The social worker has not been communicating with her family. They got the info they wanted/needed then haulted all communication with them.
Market Value should consider any damage. Like a car, there's poor, good and excellent condition. I would think an assessor could give you a decent Market Value. Even a good realtor. They will look at what a trailer like you friend's sells for and then bring the price down to reflect what needs to be fixed. I really don't think a SW at the facility could give you good info concerning a sale of a trailer. I have found where I live, the SWs don't think out of the box. I have maybe one I felt made me feel confident in them. Medicaid is the one you should be talking to.

Like I responded to Mac, the friend does not own the lot, she rents. As such the owner can evict her. Then the trailer sells in place or the trailer is removed. And if the owner evicts, it will be soon. Where I live 6 months.

I would talk to the owner/office of the trailer park. I bet this is not the first time it has happened to him/her. The owner maybe able to give you some suggestions. Just thought, does she own the trailer outright?

If friend is cognitive she can revolk sons POA and assign you if u agree. Or, since the steps have gone incognito, the state will take over guardianship. Then they will have to worry about what happens to her trailer, ect. I personally would not take on the care of someone I was not related to. At 70, I don't like still having to oversee a nephew. But, there is no one else. I have POA but I would never take on guardianship. Too much responsibility with the state involved.
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