I am a live-in caregiver who is being abused, mainly by my elderly patient's son. He abuses me physically (police called 3times), emotional, verbally, financially.....every day he berates/belittles/humiliates me in malicious manner. I have lived here 2.5 years, and have never had one day off. I get paid VERY LITTLE under the table. I never leave, and he will not even take me to the food store. I have begged him for help with medical care to no avail. Now, my back is injured, and I'm practical crawling, and he made it worse by slamming me into a cabinet. He wont sign documents of residence for low-cost clinic for medical care. He has thrown me off mattress to sleep on floor and claims I cannot use facilities. I haven't left because I have nowhere to go. This family has resources. They call me white trash. I have no family, nowhere to go, and desperately wish to keep my 4 cats/family. Advice?
If you don't live in Dallas, call anyway, give the name of your town, and let them give you a number. You don't have to be homeless. I am quite sure, that my final post will get a "yes, but". I hope you will be ready before something really awful befalls you. Not sure if you said that the woman you care for his being abused, but I would report that after I leave. If he abused her once, chances are, he will continue to do so. Abuse is never a one-time event. it escalates. You can call Adult Protectdive Services for her anonymously. As you are under 65, I do not know if they can help you but they may be able to refer you to someone who will. You have to be your own agent until you find someone who will help you.
Report Suspected Human Trafficking
Report suspected human trafficking activity to law enforcement (available 24/7, in over 300 languages and dialects at):
•Call 1-866-347-2423 (toll free)
•Call 1-802-872-6199 (non toll free international)
•Report online at www.ice.gov/tips
Call the National Human Trafficking Resource Center (NHTRC) at 1-888-3737-888 to get help or connect with a service provider in your area. The NHTRC is not a law enforcement or immigration authority and is operated by a nongovernmental organization.
For more information, please contact the Blue Campaign at bluecampaign@hq.dhs.gov.
and if you start an Indiegogo to raise funds to do it for them I would chip in. Private message me if you want my e-mail addy, etc. or just post a link (remove the http:// and you can put links in messages.)
Isn't this why the police are not helpful? "Lady, you are free to leave at any time."
Yes, we understand about your cat family. You are in a hard position, there is no denying that. But you are also a free adult, with a money-making skill. You HAVE to get yourself out of there!
Don't even consider getting "revenge" until you are out of there! Then come back and maybe we can come up with some ideas for you. But first, your safety, and that of your cats.
He underpaid you for more than 2 years. But you accepted that pay. You knew he was paying you under the table to avoid his legal responsibilities but you went along with it. He has been abusive in his demands, but you stayed there. If you were his wife or his daughter it would easier to understand the hold he has over you.