
I have a bad hip, have been doing acupuncture treatments which help.

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I didn't want lose your question so I didn't read your profile before I answered. If you do have hip surgery you would need to make alternative care arrangements for a fairly extended period of time. When I had my hip replacement surgery I was relatively young (40) and working full time as a hospital staff nurse, I was off work 3 months with the surgery then I returned to three 12 hours shifts per week, not 24/7 care giving.
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Its hard to answer your question with the information you provided. How badly is your life impacted by the pain? This is my personal impact rating system. Minimal impact - you are stiff and sore when you wake up in the morning but it improves with activity. Moderate to major impact - your are adjusting your life to accommodate the pain. Severe impact- your are in pain most the time (even at rest) and have give up things you used to do. Extreme impact - you are in pain all of the time, the pain awakens you from a sound sleep. Lots of things go into the decision to have hip replacement surgery - chronic health conditions, age, lifestyle. Are you becoming less able to care for yourself and your responsibilities because of the bad hip? Good luck with the acupuncture treatments. My hip pain was completely eliminated by hip replacement surgery and the pain from the surgery was very short duration and lots less painful than the arthritic hip. I had epidural anesthesia with Versed sedation for the surgery if you have concerns about general anesthesia.
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Well, are you still experiencing pain? Do you have full mobility? Only you can really tell us if it working for you.

But if you are really asking, will my hip pain ever be alleviated by acupuncture? Just doing a quick internet search, it looks like some claim it will.
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