
my disabled husband. He has had an amputated left leg and an amputated half right toe etc. he has high and low blood pressure issues. He also has high and low blood sugar issues and he has mobility issues and is on numerous medications that most of the day makes him very sleepy and it has been considered that maybe he should stop driving soon which would leave me stranded here where we are in Florida.

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This is something for you to discuss with social workers who are in your area and deal with your Medicaid and SSI programs in your state. Many States have special programs unique to them. Because these programs are often combinations of state and federal funds they vary widely and should be checked in your own are. Call your local Council on Aging to get some pointers on where to start your research. Wishing the best to you.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to AlvaDeer

Because you did not fill out your profile we have no idea how old you or your husband are, but I'm guessing that since you're living in Florida that perhaps you may both be at least retirement age.
I personally have NEVER understood why a spouse would want to be paid for taking care of their spouse as most of our wedding vows said in sickness and health till death do us part.
And while your husband could "pay" you, it still would be coming out of both your monies.
If your husband is on Medicaid and or is a veteran, they offer programs that may be able to pay you if you feel it necessary. But again I honestly don't understand that kind of logic.

My late husband had a massive stroke at the age of 48 and I was 36, a year and a half after we were married, which left him paralyzed on his right side, unable to walk, talk, read, write and no use of his right arm.
After much therapy he did learn how to walk again with the help of a brace on his leg, and could say a few words and very short sentences, but was never able to use his right arm, read or write again, and I cared for him for 24 1/2 years of our 26 year marriage until he died in 2020 at the age of 72.
And I never once thought I should be paid to take care of my husband as that is what a wife does or a husband does when one or the other needs help. At least that is what I believe as I took my wedding vows very seriously.

So not sure I understand exactly where you're coming from wanting to be paid to do what every good wife or husband would do for free out of love for each other and not financial gain, so perhaps you can explain if you'd like.
And if you're not wanting to learn how to drive so you can take over that responsibility, then perhaps it's time that you look into moving into an assisted living facility where your husband will be looked after and they will have transportation available for you both for places you need to go.
I'm sure there are tons of AL options in Florida with all the older folks there.
Plus you will be around other folks your own age and will help you not to be so lonely, lost and sad(your screen name).
Something to think about.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to funkygrandma59

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