
I take care of my Mom (86) and quit my job to be with her. She's a widow also forget a lot of things
Just lost son so depressed. Who do I call to get paid?

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I need to add something to this article though. Moms trust advisor wanted to set up a payment system for me but I declined because what it would have provided me wasnt worth what I would have lost from my own benes. Even though it would have supplemented me more Mom and I have basically combined our resources to pay the bills and end up paying for Moms needs above my own at the end of the month anyway. If you need research help in this area let me know I have some good links dropped into my "favorite" places folder and could post them for you. Everyone's situation is different so there is no clear cut answer to this question.
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If you're one of more than 70 million people who provide unpaid caregiving for a family member or friend -- either in that person's home or in your own -- you know that the time and energy burden can be enormous. In fact, you may have cut back or given up your paying job. Your smaller (or now nonexistent) paycheck may be pinching you hard. If so, it might be possible for you to get a small but regular payment for your caregiving work.

Here's how: If the parent, spouse, or other person you're caring for is eligible for Medicaid, its Cash and Counseling program, available in some states, can provide direct payments that could go to you. A few other states have similar programs for low-income seniors, even if the person receiving care doesn't quite qualify for Medicaid. Also, if the person you're caring for has long-term care insurance that includes in-home care coverage, in some cases those benefits can be used to pay you.

If the person you're caring for will be paying you from any source, it may be a good idea -- for both of you -- to draft a short written contract setting out the terms of your work and payment.

Medicaid in-home care assistance for people with little money

People with low income and few assets other than their home may be eligible for Medicaid (called Medi-Cal in California) healthcare coverage. This includes in-home care, which can mean some low-level healthcare monitoring and services but which usually consists mostly of personal care -- the same kind of care you probably provide: help with bathing, dressing, cooking, cleaning, eating, moving around, and similar activities of daily living.

When Medicaid provides in-home care, it usually does so through a licensed home health care agency. Medicaid pays the agency, which sends its care aides to the senior's home on scheduled visits. This arrangement works well for many people. But for others, in-home care through an agency isn't the best arrangement. Many in-home care agencies are overstretched, with high worker turnover. This can mean that in-home care visits are sometimes irregular, with changing caregivers who don't know the senior's needs and preferences. And if you (or another family member) are already providing most of the care, the occasional presence of an outsider may not be that helpful.
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You can write up a caregiver contract with your mother and she can pay you as her caregiver. Otherwise, no one is going to pay you for watching her.

Good luck.
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