
My 87-year-old mom is moving in with me. My father passed away in April and my brother moved her in. He can't do it anymore, he lasted four months and began wanting to make other arrangements. After my dad passed my brother decided we can't leave her to even go for a walk. My dad used to run errands and go for walks and leave her. I will say she has declined since he passed. Although she doesn't try to go anywhere. She has dementia but does recognize us and communicates. She doesn't try and do anything like cook. I think the biggest issue is she might fall. I just don't think I will last with her here long if I can't take my dog for a walk and am in the house 24/7 outside of work. I have hired someone to come in while I'm at work but don't know if they can come other times. What if I need to run to the grocery store, or can I go to a nearby restaurant for dinner?

You are going to get all kinds of people telling you that she absolutely can not be left on her own and they will cite all kinds of disasters they have experienced, heard about or fear many happen. Although my mom was unable to get out of bed on her own and napped every morning I was warned that she'd be helpless if there was a fire, common sense told me the probability of that happening in the hour I was away was almost nil and the risk of me going insane was far greater 🤔 Only you know her well enough to estimate if leaving her is reasonable.

I want to add there have been many advances in technology since my caregiving days that can allow you to monitor your home from afar, everything from alerts the door has been opened to cameras to stuff I've never heard about yet.
Helpful Answer (8)
Reply to cwillie
Isthisrealyreal Sep 20, 2024
This!!!! 100%
If your brother couldn't handle the care of your mom after only 4 months what in the world makes you think that you'll be able to do it for even longer?
And NO someone with dementia should never be left alone.
You must now be realistic about this undoable(for you)situation and start looking into the right memory care facility for your mom, where she will looked after 24/7 and safe, and you can just be her daughter and advocate, instead of her overwhelmed caregiver with no life. Your mom if in her right mind would never want you to give up your life to care for her.
And if money is an issue you can apply for Medicaid for her.
I wish you well in finding the right facility for her.
Helpful Answer (7)
Reply to funkygrandma59

It's too bad brother and you didn't get together and take care of business here, as your mom requires a medical diagnosis and placement. If her confusion is severe she's no more capable of being left alone than a 5 year old is.

If you cannot care for your mother now, then you and brother cannot keep leaving her on one another's doorstep endlessly.
First step for you is contact with her MD, her yearly medical exam, and referral to neuro-psyc for evaluation. If she is no longer competent she cannot make you her POA, so too late for that.

I think basically what you will come down to here now is needing the help of Adult Protective Services in your area. Why not call APS today and ask them what you must do to have your mother placed. They will give you pointers and guidance. Being a guardian is a HUGE JOB and it is a LEGAL job that you cannot, once you accept it, get out of. IF you don't feel fully capable of knowing this job and doing it, don't ask for it, as you cannot get out of it once you have it. Allow the state to take guardianship.

Wishing you the best of luck. It is tough when stuff wasn't taken care of in the beginning. The two of you have more or less made your homes her home and she needs 24/7 care. You truly need guidance and help from professionals.

As a new member, if you plan to stay on Forum at all, I hope you will fill in your profile about yourself and about your mom. It will help us answer your questions better.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to AlvaDeer

Dementia is unpredictable. You never know what a person who suffers from it will do. Every week we took my Mom to the Diner. She always asked for hot tea. They brought the hot water in a little metal pitcher. Mom would pour it into the cup over the tea bag. This one time she picked up the pitcher and before we new it, she turned it upside down and hot water went everywhere. TG our food had not been served yet.

If Mom has money, place her in Memory Care. If not, then Long-term care with Medicaid and her SS offseting the cost of her care. Do not leave her alone.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to JoAnn29

If you do not think that you and your brother have decided that she had to move in with one or the other of you because she was not safe alone, that she was not safe to let her go for a walk what makes you think that living with you will make her any more safe to be left alone?
Look into placing her in an Adult Day Program. If you can do that 2 or even better 3 days a week that would keep her safe, give you a break and let you do what you need to do for the "me time" you want.
When you have caregivers or she is in Day Care that is when you go to the store or go to a nearby restaurant.

And if you are working away from the home, someone will need to be with her then, if you are WFH then someone should be with her since you will be working and should not be bothered.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to Grandma1954

We used baby monitors for walking the dog and the range was surprisingly far.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to brandee

Mom will continue to decline , at some point she won’t be able to be alone , it may be soon or even now . We don’t know your Mom.

Knowing she will decline , perhaps thinking about how that would be handled would help you decide if Mom should move in or make other living arrangements now . Does Mom have money to expand in home caregiver hours , when needed ? ?
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to waytomisery

If she needs somebody to live with her, then she needs somebody with her. Consider your question if it was a child who needed supervision and care. Neglect for that child would be criminal. Same case could be made for a dependent elder.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Taarna
TouchMatters Sep 26, 2024
I disagree. There is a broad spectrum of a parent being unable to live alone (cooking, cleaning, bill payment) and going out alone for a walk. It depends on the degree of dementia, and other factors, such as temperment, medication.
If it were my mother (or one of my clients):

* I would not let anyone with dementia be alone and potentially leaving the home / going outside. They can get lost and/or be vulnerable targets for anyone wanting to take advantage of her (take her purse, harm her). The possibilities of her getting hurt somehow are too high in my view.

* Hire a caregiver (2 hours a couple times a week) to take her for a walk or to a museum, zoo, gardens - whatever she would enjoy.

* Yes, she might fall and that is reason enough to take precautions. While I do not like to put it this way, how would you feel if you allowed her to go out alone and she did fall and/or something adverse happened to her? I imagine you would be riddled with guilt and remorse.

* Err on the side of safety and protecting her well being.

I believe we are not the people to answer these questions about you running to the grocery store or out socially for dinner. My recommendation would be if you want to do these things, which are certainly normal and natural - and you should be able to do - get someone in there for a couple of hours, even a volunteer from a local church, college student.

Contact a dementia organization (Alzheimers) in your city or county. Ask them.
Google TEEPA SNOW, one of the country's leading experts on dementia - read her books, call, watch her You Tubes. I think if you read / learn more about how the brain works and what parts are dying or not functioning as they used to, you will come to your own answers.

I know you care and you really do not know what to do.
Would I leave my mom if she was napping in bed - and run to the store for 20-30 minutes. Yes, perhaps. It would depend on if she was calm, on medication, anxious, etc. Every day may be different. It is a personal / judgment call.

I question 'why' your brother decided 'we can't leave her to even go for a walk' - what does he know about dementia - he didn't last more than four months, although perhaps that was enough for him to realize that she should not be left alone. Perhaps hire an independent medical social worker and have a discussion with her/him, you and your brother.

I know you will make the best decisions for your mom's welfare / well being.
I appreciate your opening and your vulnerability to ask us.

If you do not find a balance for caring for her in your home and 'me' (you) time, you may end up as your brother - feeling a need to do something in four months. Make time for yourself now. You need it. Caring for a parent with dementia in your home is a huge responsibility / energy draining. Take care of yourself.

Consider when it might be time to research placement where she will have 24/7 attention / care. Another option now could be day care - giving you many hours in one day for yourself.

Gena / Touch Matters
Helpful Answer (0)
Reply to TouchMatters

That’s a hard one I wouldn’t think it would be a problem for a very short time away .. I would get a in home camera so you could watch her while out of the house and see how she does and then you can see if you can go longer away from home but you will be able to rush home if you see she needs you or gets into trouble at the home
Helpful Answer (0)
Reply to Trixipie

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