
Our basement doesn't have egress windows, does anyone know if they required for receiving assistance for at home services in Mass?

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Won't the state have information about these regulations online?

Besides the at-home services, though, what about fire escape? How would your mother get out of the building in an emergency?
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In our state it is not legal to have a bedroom without an escape window. The first thing we did when we moved into my current home is put in an egress window. No bedroom down there but we used it for family parties. The window must be large enough not only for a person to get out but also for a fully equipped firefighter to get in. It gave us peace of mind to know that the stairway was not the only way out. Our neighbors had an egress window installed when their son hit his teens and wanted his own space downstairs. There are contractors very familiar with installing these.

The large window also adds a little light to the room -- a nice bonus!

I would put one in regardless of the regulations. (But it probably is required.)
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Your "renovation" does not sound legal and I doubt it will pass inspection. Did you get a permit for this work?
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NYDaughterInLaw, there are lots of kinds of renovations you can do in your home without getting a permit. Painting, wallpapering, installing carpet, grab bars, in some cases lighting. PAC02066's remodeling may be entirely up to code. She is obviously thinking of that with her question about the window.

That will need a permit and to pass inspection.
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Massachusetts code R310.1 provides guidance on this. Basement sleeping rooms need direct access to an emergency and escape and rescue opening within said sleeping room. However, if a basement had one sleeping room and some habitable space, the opening within the bedroom would satisfy the requirement for the entire basement.
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I doubt you can have a legal apartment without the egress window. And I'm pretty sure adding in a kitchenette or bathroom need permits regardless of where you live. Another concern of mine would be the basement stairs, it will only be a matter of time before it will be impossible for her to climb up and down.
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My first thought was also about the stairs. Maybe because my own mother could never manage them, and I know I would get frustrated and exhausted climbing up and down the stairs to wait on her.
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We have obtained the necessary permits for the bathroom and electrical. This room has been created to prevent my 95 year old mother from going into a Nursing Home while giving her the privacy she needs. We will be installing an acorn stair lift for going up and down stairs. An egress window will be a larger project that we are prepared for at this time since it requires cutting through concrete and building wells. We may instead try to replace the bulkhead door with a walk out. Thank you for your responses.
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PAC02066, as others have mentioned, without any large windows, the basement bedroom would not be legal.  If you are determined to renovate the basement for your Mom, please make sure you have it checked for Radon.  You wouldn't want Mom sleeping in an area that has a high "radon" reading.

As for the stair lift, has your Mom ever tried one before?  Before installing, have her test drive one.  Would hate to see you go through all that expense and Mom be afraid of it.  I know my Mom would never use one.

If one of my parents were to move into my home, I wouldn't renovate my unfinished basement.  There is the noise from the furnace and the water heater. And my HE washer in the spin cycle would scare anyone :P

I would have taken my family room [which we rarely use as we prefer the living room] and converted that into a bedroom. The room has a double window facing south, thus a lot of wonderful sunshine. Sunshine makes people feel better !!

Just food for thought.
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I think a walk-out would be ideal! I also suspect it may cost more than a egress window, but it would be a great solution. My sister's lower level had a walk-out door to a small patio. EMTs could get a stretcher in there that wouldn't have been possible with an egress window. Of course, the EMTs could probably have navigated the stairway. They are very resourceful!

It sounds like you are going all out to make this a comfortable place for your mother. I hope it all works out very well for all of you!

(You might ask a realtor for what walkouts and egress windows do to the value of your home. That might be a factor in the decision.)
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Comparing wallpaper to egress windows is ridiculous. That said, most towns use the International Code Council rules, which are clear about basement living space requiring "emergency escape" and "rescue openings" that must 1. open to the outside and 2. open easily without the use of keys or tools.

Egress windows are not niceties. And they are not up to the homeowner or her elderly mother. These codes protect the firefighters who would have to get in there to drag poster's elderly mother out in case of emergency.
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