
My daddy is acting really strange to the family. It is kinda hard to explain & no one get offended please but my dad is a 72 yr old white man from VA a ex biker who held KKK rallys on the back of our property. He now at 72 has a girlfriend who is a 31 yr old black hooker hood rat straight from the dope hole in the city we live in. This girl went to school with my daughter who is 30 & her & her friends know this girl & she has bad mental illness in her family and people say she has it to. Her arrest record isnt the best either not the worst but not good either. Daddy is spending every day and night with her even neglecting his animals in feeding them. I have been having to because I never know what time he will come home. He refuses to listen to any family at all says we all have done wrong and until she does to leave her alone that he hasnt been this happy in a long time. A few years ago we were having it out with my son who was/is addicted to crack and he hung out in this dope hole she is from & my dad was right there fussing right along with us about him being down there etc now my dad is hanging out there himself even said he liked her rap music. He said she works 1-2 days a week doing hair. Can you make enough money on 1-2 days hair work to pay rent,city light bill,car ins,gas,etc? My dad made me his POA and his nurse/dr said he had beginning dementia also my dad and mom did a quit claim deed to me with their life estate. The property has the 2 homes he and my family live in. Can my dad tell us to move out? I cant argue with him to much about her due to possible stroke getting him upset. Any advice for me? I have never had to deal with anything like this and im an only child and we dont have any family near by and no one in the family knows about this other than me,my husband and my 2 kids and 1 son in law.

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This sounds like a terrible situation. A couple things to consider:

If he has early dementia it's unlikely that doctors or a judge would declare him incompetent and grant guardianship but it may be worth checking into.

As long as he is able to handle his affairs, even badly, the POA does not give you the right to control his finances or property. Usually the POA will come into play when he becomes mentally incompetent.
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daddy cant read or write well and was clueless to bills etc when mom died because she handled all that and he is partialy blind in both eyes from a stroke. I handle all that and appointments. He cooks and cleans weed eats things like that just fine chases women so bad its embarassing to go anywhere with him. He cant pay a woman for ANYTHING without asking her in a sexual way what shes gonna give him for that 20 etc. smh we have never seen him act like this. Goes to church to. But only to eat the free dinner afterwards im affraid (old southern baptist). IDK what to do. My husband & I are looking at buying a house elsewhere because we have the funds to remodel this house & take care of it before it hits the ground but we cant because he has 3 pecan trees right next to it full of carpenter ants and they are in the house destroying it & we could fix everything but he refuses to cut 3 pecans trees he dosent even eat pecans. Use to his logical thinking would be well I have 3 or 4 other pecan trees not near the house id rather cut 3 trees than lose a house. They arent money trees they are pecan trees. We basicly gave up our lives in 2011 to care for my mom and now dad but sure as we move out he will move that hood rat in. There is so much stress on my husband to having to deal with living like this. Night before last there were literly thousands of carpenter ants on the side of my house. Me being an only child id feel like i abandoned my dad but he gets around good and i can take care of his bills and appointments from anywhere.
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Start checking out the guardianship process for your state. This is going to be difficult for you.I am sure this woman is taking money from him.Do you have it in writing from your dad's md that he does have a diagnosis of dementia? If you do this woman ,I could be wrong, could be charged with taking advantage of a vulnerable adult.Since you have POA ,is your name on his checking,saving accounts? What is his source of income?Let us know how you are doing. There are so many "children" on here that are in the same spot as you and they should have a lot of advice on what to do.
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Im the only on on his accts at the bank so i keep my eye on his money and nothing is wrong there thank god but like i told him she may be buttering him up for a while to. i just called his drs office it was not written down and that dr isnt there anymore so i told her whats going on and she and i are making him a "fake" routine appt lol and going to pull the dr off to the side before dad gets there and tell him whats going on so he can be the bad guy lol and ask questions etc to determine if he really has dementia or is he just being crazy on purpose etc. Seems to be a little of both to me but in all honestly the dr dosent live with my luck he will go in there and be 100% normal lol.
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I've used the 20 mule team borax, sugar and water method to kill carpenter ants, but if you've got them all over the side of your house, I think there's an issue beyond the pecan trees.

Ants are attracted to water; I've noticed in dry conditions or when the neighbor starts piling branches next to her driveway, it's only a matter of time before the ants start visiting the bathroom - sink, toilet or tub.

You can take advantage of their need for water and put it in a container or something so that they have to walk through the borax mixture and get it on their feet, then take it back to the nest. With as many carpenter ants as you have though, it may take some time to get rid of them.

I would check that side of the house for water leaks as well. You might also want to consider having an electrician check the wiring, as ants can crawl through the walls, and who knows what damage they'll do.

As to your father, his behavior is certainly not consistent with prior attitudes, and does sound as if he has dementia, or at least there's something wrong with his thought processes.

I think the idea of getting a doctor involved is good. But there's still the issue of how to break up this unhealthy liaison (especially if she's a hooker). Has your mother died recently? I'm wondering if that might be what prompted him to seek out the companionship of this younger woman.

Wish I had better suggestions but this is a tough situation.
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You poor girl! My dad still causes lots of trouble and he is 90! I chased off a paid aide that was obsessed with him and the son of his friend who was visiting weekly and trying to get dad to sign stuff. Others, too. This girl is taking advantage of your dad, but might be dangerous for you to confront her directly. She's bad news. I pray she just moves on. She's done this before, I'm sure.
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Things have gotten worse ALOT worse. He now has 4 black women & he is spending money like crazy! Im talking with the bank tomorrow and taking them a paper from his Dr.
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And im NOT saying anything "racisist" I have black ppl in my family and black friends and I love everyone of them BUT daddy did hold KKK rallys so that is why I explain that they are all black. He also uses the N word and if he slips around them can get him killed.
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I don't think I like this guy at all. Is this about making his money safe? Is the money left over after the crazy old kkk biker shit ends coming your way? You'll have to somehow get him declared incompetent. I hope you don't get killed in the process. Good luck to you.
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