
Son with POA of father who is in Memory Care home has loaned money to other siblings and has used his father's money for personal use.

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Dead wrong! This needs to be reported to the police.
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mohdude, may I ask how did you learn of this loaned money? Did the father tell you? If yes, please note that folks who are living in Memory Care their brains are not working correctly. My Dad still thinks he takes the bus every day to work [he retired 30 years ago, last time he took the bus to work was back in 1940's].

Or are you one of the siblings and found out through the brother that this "loan" was made? Dad's finances are to be used to pay for his Memory Care. If for some reason Dad runs out of money and Medicaid needs to be called in, that "loan" would be considered a "gift" thus making it difficult for Dad to qualify for Medicaid.
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Do you have documentation of this abuse?
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