
My 99 year old father is seeing and hearing thing that are not there, last night he got up a 10 pm and yelled at me to come help him, He told me to help him find his clothes and I asked why he said the lady told him to get up for breakfast. And I said what lady because we were the only ones home, He told me the lady in the red dress said to get up breakfast was ready. Is this normal or not? If there is a lady hanging sure wish she would help out..LOL

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I believe someone else mentioned that you need to keep a good sense of humor. This is absolutely the truth.
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By the way she HAS heard a baby crying (only once) and heard a band playing again only once. She is 93 and does have bad hearing. Good luck!
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My mother hears someone knocking (sometimes rather loudly) at her door or windows at all hours of the night. We have go e around the house with a flashlight even in the snow to assure her no one was there. When I took her to the neurologist for her checkup I told him about the knocking. He said it was related to her hearing and the three top sounds are knocking, dogs barking or babies crying. She listened to him but refuses to believe him and still thinks someone is knocking at night. I keep telling her no one is there it is just her hearing like the doctor said and she said it scares her and she is not crazy. There is nothing more we can do about the situation.
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Update the dr put him on risperidone at night he is sleeping better now, we get a lest 4 to 5 hrs in row, and if we get bladder issue under control then, we might get a full nights sleep. Things do look better when you can get some sleep
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I believe someone might be there too!! Grams always talked about this man that was here with her ( there was no man!!) I think it was her late husband who passed 40 years earlier and she just didn't recognize him!! But all in all you just need to keep your sense of humor!! Its that humor that will help get you though some of the hard times!! Good luck to you and I'll keep you in my prayers!! :)
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I did tell him that if his friends keep coming in to tell them to go back to sleep, and he doesn't need to get up unless I come in the room and turn on the light and tell him to get up. Talking to the dr tommorow. I do believe there could be some one there if of all people I think it could be my mother she has been gone for 13 yrs.
God love her she would tap him on the head.
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My husbands 98 year old grandma use to get up in the middle of the night saying there were people in her room and in her bed and I would come in and turn on the lights ( not so they were bright but enough to see clearly) and I would say...ok people grams wants to sleep its time for everyone to go! I point to the door then proceed to follow the people out and i walk out and come back to into her. She would look at me and say thanks, and tell me next time tell them they can't stay so late!!
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I found that sometimes what they see on TV the incorporate that in the world..mother used to thikn someone was breaking in her room...
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The same thing happened with my mother-in-law who is 90. She said Chinese people were coming into her house telling her what to do. (Chinese, not sure where that came from). In her case her medication doseage had to be reduced.
My dad experienced the same problem. There were different people telling him what to do. His doctor prescribed an anxiety medication. I think this problem just comes with age. I would contact their doctor for their recommendation.
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When this happens to my clients, I just handle the situation. I dismiss the man in the hard hat who informs my lady that someone called in sick. I walk through the hall and re-lock the front door. I make sure all those "people" are gone, and then I assure her that I will keep good watch in the hallway to keep these people out! I listen to the stories (and they ARE fascinating) but quickly move on to other things. It's a great way to practice being an actress. Improv. Good for your brain!
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first have him checked for dehydration or a urinary tract infection, which cause dementia type symptoms. My dad went through the same thing and was constantly dehydrated. Make sure you have a geriatric physician, who is familiar with elderly problems. Otherwise, just go along with him since denying what he is seeing would cause much distress.
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It could be that his senses are up and alert, or that "someone" could have tapped him on the head and told him to get up for lunch. I'll probably seem ridiculous for admitting this, but I kind of believe that there is such a thing as paranormal activity, stuff that happens but can't really be explained. As you said, he wasn't asleep when this happened. Now, I'm not exactly 99 myself (I'm 23, ha) but I have experienced some weird occurrences in my lifetime. When I was a child, I was asleep in bed when all of a sudden, I heard rather loud scratching on my pillow. Of course, I woke up, but the scratching alarmed me, so I just pulled the sheets up over my head and tried to go back to sleep.
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Now we have something new, last night he had gotten up to go to the bathroom several times in a row, then he got back in bed and got up again, I hear him doing something so I went to check, he was walking out into the dining room, he had gotten his shirt on and wanted lunch. I said why are you up and he told me that someone tapped him on the head and told him to get up for lunch. Now he was awake and not asleep when this happened
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Thanks for the input, I did make a doctors appointment to have him checked out,
See where we go from here.
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I'd like to add, the worst thing to do is disagree with them, go along with them and try to redirect.
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My mom does that occassionally and it is usually from a UTI. Get her meds and she is ok. Sometimes she does dream and thinks it is real. Usually my deceased dad is the dream, or my deceased brothers. Maybe they are visiting her. Their deaths have weighed heavily on her.... How knows?
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Lord I know this feeling. My mom gets up sometimes at midnight, one or two and decides its morning even though it is black as pitch outside. What I try to do is head her off prior to her leaving her room and explain very calmly that it is too early and we aren't done sleeping yet so she needs to go back to bed. Most of the time she has already made her bed and sometimes has gotten dress, even then I try to convince her to lay back down for a while. Luckily she usually falls back to sleep.
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I don't find this unusual either. The key elements are "99 year old" and "got up at 10 pm".

A couple of weeks ago my 105.5 grandmother paged me 4 times during the night. Page #3 involved "2 dogs in the room", while #4 at 5 am involved a woman on a pink motorcycle! (she has way better dreams than I do)

I figure that 2 effects are in play. First, diminished ability to distinguish between dreams and reality, especially immediately upon awakening. And second, maybe the mind compensates for a dull, mostly bedridden existence by creating even richer dreams. Even if that point is incorrect, it's still interesting to see that her dreams are vastly more interesting than her normal routine of ordering me around 24/7. Good for her to have that outlet.
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I"m glad you have a sense of humor! I don't think this is unusual for someone that age - it could be a sensory thing, or he was dreaming. If he starts doing this often, especially when he hasn't been sleeping, then I'd make sure a doctor evaluates him - and his current medications.
Take care - and keep laughing!
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