
I am the primary caregiver for my 97 year old grandmom... sadly she succumbed to Alzheimer’s on 03/03/2019.

Anyways, Gran and I resided in the home. This is the only home I’ve known.

My my concern is this...
Her “idiot” kids (idiot is putting it mildly) are in charge of the estate ~ they are responsible for filing her taxes for this year (and next year) as well as probate. My concerns are these... as far as I know probate is currently being done. Major issue is the taxes ~ can’t get either of them to respond to me regarding taxes. I’ve repeatedly asked them who is doing her taxes, met with silence every single time. I’m pretty much stuck since I wasn’t an executor....I did have POA on the banking accounts but that is null/void upon her death. I don’t want to lose my home because neither did the right thing. What can I do?! Attempted to file her taxes, only to be told that since I’m not the executor I’m pretty much out of luck. If it helps, I live in Pennsylvania.

(...two weeks prior to her passing, I called out of work ~ Gran comes first... so I’m barely making ends meet and now this happens)

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Sorry to hear about the loss of your Gran. 

Why will you lose your home if Gran's taxes aren't paid?  Do you own the house, but Gran was paying the property taxes and she did not pay the 2018 property taxes prior to her death?  Or did your Gran own the house?  Who will inherit the house?

Are you still working or did you quit work in February 2019?  Do you have any mutual funds or investments that you can cash in to pay daily living expenses?
Helpful Answer (2)
midnight78 Apr 2019
In Gran’s will... the house goes to me.

Property taxes were paid as of February 1st 2019. Gran does own the house.

I had to temporarily leave my job to care for her ~ even though I had the VA coming in... didn’t seem right to leave her with strangers... especially since she was on hospice care and pretty much “out of it” (mostly sleeping...but would have tremors periodically which I think were likely seizures).

The bank manager knew what was going on March 1st ~ he even said to cash in the IRA... (combination of not working and family up to stirring the pot). Since I was POA I took advantage of it...glad I did. My main job - office is on suspension so I’m stuck. Trying to pick up side jobs to make ends meet until the office suspension is completed.
I'm so sorry for your loss
Helpful Answer (1)
midnight78 Apr 2019
Thank you.
I get the impression ( more info needed please) that GD lived with GM, and it was GMs house? Are your parents some of the "idiot kids", and would they want you homeless? You also say you 'called out of work".. to my thinking that means a day or so off.. not quitting your job? Go back to work, get some money coming in so you can pay your bills. Do the kids want the house sold so they can get money?
Helpful Answer (1)
midnight78 Apr 2019
Yes, my father was one of her “idiot kids” but he passed away in 2016. He never gave Gran or myself the time of day.

I believe that my uncle’s girlfriend wants me homeless ~ she’s stated that on more than one occasion (but no one stands up to she just does what she wants). Not sure about the rest of them...especially since they won’t stand up to the bully (uncle’s girlfriend).

Called out of work - exactly what it means... I gave up shifts to be there for my grandmom. Gran always comes first in my eyes. I love (sarcasm) how you say “go back to work...get some money coming in so you can pay the bills..” Not exactly easy at the moment ~ lost my job for the short term (office I work for is on suspension - issues with the state of NJ).

For your our last comment ~ I do think they want the house sold so they can get money.... And yes, they’ve tried to do that several times in the past ~ put Gran On Medicaid...sell the home and take their cut of the money.
Its up to the Executor to file her taxes now. Has he filed the will with probate. If so, its now public and you can see it. Did Grandmom leave the house to you. If so, then its yours. Executor cannot sell it. Her income taxes not being filed should have no bearing on the house. Any payment needs to come out of Moms estate. Were you on Gmas bank accounts. If so, then they may be yours now. Depends on how they read.
If you are owner now, any back property taxes will be your responsibility.
Helpful Answer (1)
midnight78 Apr 2019
I was on her accounts as POA ~ which is void upon death.
If they are probating the estate legally- through probate court - the
judge assigned to the case will require proof that both the taxes for
your grans last year of life and the estate taxes have been filed.

Although, I cant put together how that effects you getting booted out of the house. The big question should be - who legally will own the house once the estate is settled. If the house was left to you - you will not be responsible for the property taxes until the deed is transferred. In the mean time the estate is required to pay all of grans outstanding bills - including what will be owed in way of any taxes accrued on assets being held by the estate prior to distribution.

Probate court requires all bills to be paid by the estate BEFORE any money is divided up.
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