
There a group that said they are paying for my mom, but she has medicare, and she had medicaid. I would like to know how to fine out who is paying for my mom. Since they kick me out, because they said "first, I hit my mom, which is untrue, then they change their story and said "that I cuss at my mom" which is also, untrue. I found out that they were over medicating her. I am waiting for papers from Austin, Texas, to sue them

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What kind of "group"?
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They are cal lGrace Guardian here in El Paso, Texas
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Do you have power of attorney? We're you living with your mom at home? Who transported her put of her home? Was she in the hospital and discharged to their care? Sorry to as so many questions, but I'm going to assume that you called up the nh and asked who is paying the bill.
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It looks like Grace Guardian is a company that provides guardianship services in the state of Texas. If your mom was on Medicaid, I imagine the state contracts with this company to oversee her care. But that's just my guess. Here's their business name, maybe you could call them, but they probably won't tell you anything because of privacy laws:. L. Lunceford & Company, dba Grace Guardians
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cowgirls, A guardian is appointed by a Judge, even an agency guardian is appointed by a Judge. They do not prescribe meds, a doctor does that. They do not kick you out, a Judge issues an Order of Protection after a hearing in court. I have no idea what you could possibly sue anybody for. What is it you want to accomplish?
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Medicare will only pay for the short term rehab type of situation and only if patient continues to make progress. The maximum number of days that they pay for had been 100. However that may have changed this year. If the patient has assets, then it is self pay until there are less than $2,000.00 in assets. At that point Medicaid should kick in if application was made in anticipation of private funds no longer being available.
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If Grace Guardian is paying for your mom, it is with her money, or by managing her Medicaid application and and award. A guardian company isn't paying with their own money.

Why do you want to know?
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TX changed its approach to dealing with "ward of the state" situations a few years back. Used to be that either family filed in court for it or if no family or family unsuitable then judge would give it to a paralegal for a firm who was in the courtroom or on the judges personal list of attorneys. When i was executrix & in probate court quite a bit, there would be either paralegals or an attorney sitting in the courtroom at the ready to get guardianship awarded because family didnt show up; was fighting in courtroom; or had their own issues which disqualified them to be a guardian. Random crapshoot. Now state has a system of certified guardians for the "ward". Each district has a master guardian too. It just provides for better accountability for all. You can go to: to find names & contact details on all the guardians on the TX list.

The guardianship can be temporary or permanent; can be for either financial or medical or both. All this will be public record at the county courthouse. You should get copies of all court hearings so you understand what exactly has happened. Most courthouses have on-line downloads to all records for very low cost too.

Cowgirls - there was a court hearing(s) regarding your mom. Grace guardians was named. why you or other family members were not named could be for all sorts of reasons. If you didn't complete the forms requested by the court, you have sketchy credit or work history, have any past criminal record or if anyone in your household does, you will not be considered for guardianship. Judges really prefer family to be guardian, but if there is something out there about you, the judge will instead grant guardianship to others. Take time to go over what it is either about you or your household that makes you of concern to a judge to be named guardian. Based on what you wrote It sounds like abuse concerns are in your record. If proved, you are pretty well toast on ever being named guardian. You are best off being nice and doing whatever the guardian asks if you want to be a part of your parents future.

You want to sue them? If you have the $ you can find an attorney to file for you. Anybody can sue. Will you win? Very doubtful.
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Let me explain. Number 1, I have never anuse my mom, if I did she would call the police. Number 2 In 1999, my brother was murder in Colorado, I was working and she became a hotter. I would get home around six or seven at night, and make dinner for both of us Number 3, there was a group that was coming in to take care of her on certain days, while I went to pay the bills and went grocery shopping. Number 4, I never gave them permission to come into the house, to take pictures, in fact the company has been close down by the owner. Number 5, I never got any papers from the court, and neither did my sister, who live in another state. I was in court, with put any one backing me up. Adult Proticitie Services, was happy the way I was cleaning the house up. I did not know that they put her in a home. Number 6, Some of the money was mine, we were saving to have our house fix like my father and she wanted it. Number 7, I just paid with my credit card, over $300.00 phone bill, witch they should had paid for. Number 8, That day I had got some bad news and I was crying big time. The d*mn LVN, said I hit my mom, and change her story, that I cuss at my mom, which I never did. Number 9, I ask what kind of medicine they were giving my mom, and they said vitiamins, which I found out that they were over medicating her. Number 10, I never been in trouble with the law, in fact I was a Police Volunteer for four years, and they check you out good to see if you have any criminal records, and I have been check out by the FBI, an the Secret Service. so that mean I have a clean record.
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Pictures in the house? You were in court for what? And now you have a restraining order and can't see her? Ummm. you no longer have a clean record, come to grips with that. $300 phone bill? Money in the house? What on earth we you doing? Shake and Bake?
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