
I've been to so many of the so- called professionals in town whom she has proceeded to lie to and manipulate. She has even turned many of those people against me as well as alienated the family and certain "friends".. They all make excuses for her and say she's fine. Now she's got dementia exacerbating the other mental illnesses including multiple personalities & bipolar -all undiagnosed.
The rage, screaming. insanity and violence levels are always escalating.Please help. So far the professionals have refused to help and I'm told the only way I can get any help is with a diagnosis. My stress level is extreme and most people say to just leave. That's not possible at present.
Thank you.

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What is preventing her from being diagnosed? My step mother's mother (94 years old) has extreme violent outbursts which are emotionally and mentally distressing to my step mother. Has she been to a psychiatrist?
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I think that more details will get us started better.

Do you live with your mother? Her house or yours? Why is it not possible at present for you to leave?

What professionals have refused to provide a diagnosis? A specialist such as a geriatric psychiatrist should not be able to be manipulated, especially if he or she has input from family members or other loved ones. Has she seen specialists?

What kind of help are you seeking that requires a diagnosis? Financial help? Are you trying to have her placed in a care center?

She hasn't been diagnosed with dementia but you feel she has developed it. What are the symptoms for that you are seeing?

It sounds like you are in a very, very painful situation. Please tell us more about it.
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