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Have you asked your hospice coordinator about this?
Helpful Answer (1)

Something is not right here as all medications, supplies and equipment are covered 100% under moms Medicare.
My husband was under hospice care in our home for the last 22 months in our home and Medicare covered everything he needed, and he was on a lot of different medications.
You need to call the hospice agency and talk to whoever is in charge of your moms team, as that should never be a problem.
Good luck in getting things straightened out.
Helpful Answer (1)

Tell hospice that supplies needed and ordered for your Mom's comfort care are not being covered. Tell them you are reporting them NOW to medicare.
Hospice is now getting by with murder. They are having an RN stop by once a week to chat, a bottle of morphine at the bedside and cna to give a bath two or three times a week. You are lucky if the inept social worker and clergy check in by phone. For this they are being fed huge amounts of money from medicare. Hedge funds are gobbling them up as fast as they can. They are money makers. In the case of my poor friend, dying last month, they tried not to send the CNAs saying that the 24/7 sitters that they demanded she pay for in order to leave hospital in their care would do the bathing. Ummmmm. No. And yes, they knuckled under after threats of reporting them for taking government money for almost no care.
Report them and let them know that you are doing so right away. Wound care is comfort care; this should be covered along with other medical suppliers they already have a "deal" with. These folks are stuffing money up their coatsleeves so fast now it would make your head spin.
Let the Social Worker know tomorrow that they are being reported for poor care.
Helpful Answer (3)

Who is ordering your hospice supplies? Is it the hospice doctor or nurse? Have the nurse speak with the doctor in charge of her care. Once it is approved the order should go through.

We never had an issue with this.

Just a reminder to you that if you aren’t satisfied with the hospice provider that you are using, you can always switch to another one. Please do thorough research before choosing a hospice provider. They are NOT all the same.

Best wishes to you and your family.
Helpful Answer (1)

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