
It seems like vacuuming of her room is a rare event and the toilet is frequently dirty. There are spots on the wall where she obviously spilled something and it splashed.
I have been there when the "housekeeper" is working and I must say I saw her take 2 outside cigarette breaks inside of the hour and 10 minutes I was there.
I frequently reorganize her closet and dresser although she may be the one who is jumbling those up.
Should I say something or just bring in supplies and do it myself?
Thank you for your thoughts any and everyone.

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Say something, of course.
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At the assisted living facility where my mom lives, the only housekeeping they do is run a vacuum cleaner, clean the toilet and pull the trash.  Dusting, cleaning mirrors, making beds, doing laundry, etc is the responsibility of the resident or their family member.  We pay almost $3,500 per month. 

My mom trashes her closet and dresser.  She has pulled knobs off of the dresser and pulled the drawers out completely. She has taken the center of the toilet paper dispenser and hidden it so there is nothing to put the roll on.

Prior to covid I would dust and straighten her room up every time I went in to "hunt" for her dirty laundry.  She rehangs dirty clothes or hides the dirty clothes.  So I would spend a half hour pulling the laundry together to take home and wash. 

You might want to clarify what the facility is responsible for.  If they list some of the areas you feel are getting neglected, then you could ask that things get done.
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You definitely should have a word with the administrator or management of the AL. It's not cheap to be in assisted living and part of the reason why it costs as much as it does is because it includes housekeeping.
You should not have to go in there and do the cleaning yourself when they pay cleaning staff to do it. If you want to do it, then tell the facility to knock something off the bill every month if their housekeeping service isn't going in there. Trust me they won't, So you have to insist that the place be clean and cared for.
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Whoever is the housekeeper at a Memory Care AL knows what to do, has cleaning supplies on her cart to use, and is paid to keep the residents' rooms clean. Period. There is no excuse or good reason for why the room should be otherwise.

Now, there will be times when spot cleaning needs to happen. Like after an elder has a blowout & neglects to mention it to the staff. But, when the CG comes in to help her get ready for bed, a check should be made of the room conditions, a note made, and housekeeping sent in.

I always ALWAYS ask for things to be attended to when I am able to physically visit my mother in her MC. If the laundry bag is getting full, I ask for it to be laundered. If the toilet is dirty, I ask for it to be cleaned. Politely, of course, because there is never a reason to be rude or abrupt.

Make your wishes known and your expectations as well. We are paying A LOT OF MONEY for certain conditions to be met in AL. Make sure they are.
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Continue checking these items Once you mention it to administrators. This will give you a good sense of how well (or poorly) the facility is run.
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Imho, if you say nothing, all is assumed to be okay. How else would the business know they need to improve?
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My mother lives with my YB and supposedly his daughters are cleaning her apartment. I really wonder if they even KNOW how to clean??? If I did it (which I no longer do) it takes me all day and I am on top of and under everything. I watched my 22 yo niece wander in with a feather duster and flick it around for a few minutes and she took out the towels to be washed. Took her less than 15 minutes and mother handed her a $20 bill. Plants weren't watered, windows weren't opened for few minutes of fresh air, floors weren't swept and birdseed is all over the whole apartment. Toilet wasn't scrubbed--nothing. I kept waiting for her to come back and finish and mother said "Oh, she's so sweet and so wonderful and doesn't waste time like you do". Shoot, also doesn't CLEAN like I do.

I let it go b/c mother has asked me to never 'touch her things' again (it's called CLEANING, mom!) so I do not go into her apartment ever. But if the door is opened and I see inside--it's getting worse and worse. Were I paying for this haphazard cleaning I'd be on her like a rat on a donut. You do the JOB for which you are paid!

When I quit cleaning for mom I did make a short list of the things I was doing for her and gave it to the nieces. It was about half of what I'd do, but they must have ignored it.

You are likely paying quite a bit for this service. And yes, two smoke breaks in an hour? Are you kidding me? I worked elder care and it was 6 hours ON MY FEET with zero breaks.
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When you say nothing, you are saying the tasks being done are ok. Make a list of tasks that need to be done each day and have the housekeeper check them off. Vacuuming should be done each day as well as toilet. Sheets should be changed daily or every other day, depending on circumstances.

Why would you pay someone to do these things and do them yourself when they don't get done. You have a talk about it and terminate the employee if it does not get done. A bad employee has been created - it needs to be resolved.
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If you are going to speak up, then take pics (with time stamp) and document the absence of cleaning. A certain amount of "supplemental" cleaning is fine, but if there are serious signs of chronic lack of cleaning, it should be brought to the attention of management. When each of my parents required LTC, I found myself cleaning surfaces regularly.
Helpful Answer (4)

Since he is paying for the services, administration will most likely need him to complain, Start by asking FIL about the housekeeping services. If he has a contract, look at it. If it is part of the residential services, you can find the details from administration. Then, document what you are seeing: pictures, dates, times.... Give FIL copies of your documentation and explain your concerns. Offer to go with him to administration to talk about your concerns.
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If she's getting paid, youou should deffiently say in a nice way, something about what is lacking and what is expected of her.

Maybr she is paid to just tidy up?

Maybe no one had told her what to do.

Check first to find out what her chores are suppose to be.

Make a List of things that need to be done.

Dont worry about her cigarette breaks as long as she gets done what's on the To Do List.
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I would be sure to assess the overall situation before "picking my battles". Where my mother was, various things, such as the opening of the venetian blinds, the switch for the light over the bed, etc. didn't work properly which were direct inconveniences. I never got around to noticing whether there was dust. The place was run about as well as a university dormitory.
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If the cleaning isn't being done, I would worry that the safety protocols surrounding CoVId would also be sub par.

I would say something. You can be assertive without being aggressive.
Helpful Answer (3)

Wow, there is an ALF where you are allowed in to this extent right now? I am surprised. You mention your Mom's place. There is, other than her own rooms, a general living area I am supposing? How do you find that area, the dining area, etc, the communal area to be?
For my bro, he hated the housekeepers visits. He didn't want them in there and he didn't want them dusting his beautiful last collections, the remainders of his pottery collections and etc. He would kind of chase them out if I can put it so bluntly. If you find the over all areas of the facility wanting I would report these findings to administration, with photos if you are able. And I would ask for followup. And I would look into other facilities if they are in the area.
I found the place my brother was in so meticulous about cleanliness. I was absolutely amazed at their housekeeping, their grounds. It CAN be done, but it requires a good management, and the hiring of enough employees. I am assuming that the place you are now judging is not dealing with Covid-19 and the extra hours consumed by same.
Wishing you good luck.
Helpful Answer (4)

Yes, mention it to the director/Administrator. Cleaning is part of Moms rent. I had this problem with the Homemaker dusting. I was told they told her not to anymore because some nick nacks were broken. I told the Admintrator I understood but, her headboard was not dusted. The large window ledge was not dusted. (Big enough to put plants) Her TV and a small shelving with only her Bible and box of cards. Her nick nacks were on scarves so the area around them could be dusted.

I may even mention the numerous smoke breaks. They seem to be interfering with her work. The HM is allowed in an 8 hr period two breaks and a lunch break. She can smoke then. I am big on your there for 8 hours, you work 8 hours. Thats what ur paid for. Any less, and you are stealing.
Helpful Answer (8)
WolfeyKat62 Jan 2021
Yes, too many smoke breaks is considered stealing time. She could be fired for that.
Mention it.
You are paying for a facility to provide a Clean and safe environment. It sounds like neither is happening.
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There’s no doubt I’d mention it
Helpful Answer (9)

You speak to someone.. ASAP. You are indeed paying good money for care, and a dirty toilet is not good care, and dangerous. Leave out the bit about the smoke breaks,, just stay on topic about her room being dirty and what can be done about it. Take pictures if you want, and talk to the DON about this.MIL deserves better, and so do you.
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