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What are the states that do pay a caregiver to stay home with spouse
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My husband had a stroke 2yrs. ago. He lost his left side and is still recovering so I can not go back to work. Is there a way I can get paid to take care of him so we can afford to life a somewhat normal life?
Helpful Answer (49)

What can I do, to get paid for having to be at home with my husband?
Helpful Answer (42)

Hi Jhwkbabe1 ~ We are in a similar predicament. My husband has Parkinson's disease and I am his only Caregiver. I have looked into home health care but it's expensive out-of-pocket and only short-term with Medicare. For now, I am capable of caring for him full-time however as I get older, my situation will change. From what I understand, only Massachusetts and another State have compensation for Caregivers. I'm in Texas - nothing here! We do have a wonderful Meals-on-Wheels program that I use to help save on groceries. I wish there could be a LOUD voice from ALL of us in the country doing this so that special funding could be provided. We are saving the gigantic cost for nursing home care and providing better, higher quality, more personal care for our loved ones. Hugs to you and best wishes. RSuzyJ
Helpful Answer (33)

I work fulltime,my wife needs 24/7 care,she has Medicaid and they will pay for a nursinghome,but,we want to stay together,so what help can I expect to get,if any,if I quit my job to stay at home to take care of her?
Helpful Answer (25)

Please note, Medicaid pays for long term care. No out of pocket expensive. There are criteria's you do have to meet please look into it.
Helpful Answer (13)

Contact your local Area Agency on Aging - each state has offices in each county or region. They can help you understand what's possible.

Some states pay family a small stipend to stay at home as care givers but with the economy these programs are probably few and far between. Also see if your spouse qualifies for any disability payments through his employer.

There is also a lot of discussion on this topic within the Finances section of Again Best of luck!
Helpful Answer (7)

taking care of a diabetic husband and a sister who has copd
Helpful Answer (7)

Thank you Everyone for your great comments. I hope that just by making society aware that so many of us are taking care of spouses full-time and many on fixed incomes, that there can be changes in the system, especially at a time when government seems to be looking for ways to spend money - often foolishly - and so many could be benefited saving the costs of nursing homes and more.
Helpful Answer (5)

My husband jus had brain surgery. He is goning to need care 24/7 i will have to quit my job. And that means losing my home. He does not get enought from ssi to pay every thing.How can i get the extra money i will need to keep my house??
Helpful Answer (5)

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