Coping.......mainly taking things day-by-day.

Accepting the situation is key. We have become caregivers.
We all want our parents here, but we want them to be healthy and independent, not frail and dependent. But here we all are.

Do what you can to stay healthy yourself, which can be a challenge with all of the demands and stress involved in caregiving.

Let go of the pursuit of perfection. Give yourself grace that you're doing the best that you can.

You can't stop someone from aging and dying. All you can do is make their journey as comfortable as possible.

I'm my 97 year old mother's sole caregiver and it's been a monumental calling. Without hesitation I know that I will never be the same after this journey has ended.

Peace to all.
Helpful Answer (6)
Reply to southiebella

By getting respite for YOURSELF or placing the parent in managed care if you're burned out.
Helpful Answer (5)
Reply to lealonnie1

Know that if they have physical problems it will be harder for them to clean the house, stand to brush their teeth, stand to shower. They will not tell you everything or deny everything. They will not answer your questions do you hurt? what is this? who was that? where is this? who called? However they will answer the phone call and tell them anything whats your ss number, your insurance company, who is home with you, are you alone etc.
When your elder is doing this they need to be watched 24/7/365. They know they are the parent and will not do what you want them to do. They will resist so you need to "con" them into what you want them to do. You will also need someone to assist you. Call their insurance and get some info in getting someone to bathe them or do simple chores.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Ohwow323

You must have breaks
look at all avenues where you can get a break/someone take over
ensure you are eating as healthy as possible
cut out fast foods/junk foods/sugar/alcohol
and sleep where possible or just rest whenever u can
good luck
it isn’t easy to create a timetable for you as well but essential
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Jenny10

Can you tell us more about your situation?
Helpful Answer (0)
Reply to AlvaDeer

There's only one way, take care of yourself first. You're no help to anyone if you're not healthy. The majority of caregivers suffer more than people they care for and balancing life/work can be very stressful, not to mention, add in siblings and handling the financial accounts of yours and the parents and it's pure insanity! So overwhelming!! Stop,breathe! Go out for a drive and scream bloody hell and regroup. You're in control and you're not, it's a no win situation. Don't think that family should be there, accept any help you can get. I remember having burn out and crying to my brother, almost on the verge of a nervous breakdown with no compassion from him. He thought I was overreacting? No,I was realizing my mother was no longer my mother. It was easy for them, they got to be the children and get mom's love. I became the parent and had to be responsible. It's a tough job Bladee,be good to yourself!
Helpful Answer (0)
Reply to JuliaH

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