My mom is 87 years old, unable to walk, has dementia and recently had a stroke. She didn't respond to commands by the hospital therapist, would not open her eyes, could not talk or move. A feeding tube was inserted in her stomach because of her condition. How long can one survive on a feeding tube?
I want to start by saying that you are an amazing, and intelligent person! Your response to MarieAnne was inspiring! My mother was recommended, and accepted to the hospice program after her last visit to the hospital! Her main medical problems are recurring UTIs. She has mid stages of dementia, but certainly not terminally ill! She recently developed dysphasia due to her dementia. Therefore, she can’t swallow solid foods. She has lost a lot of weight and is malnourished! I decided to put a PEG feeding tube! I cannot bare to see her starve to death! Much to my surprise, the hospice administrators and Doctors said that if I do that, that I must take my mother out of the program! Without hesitation, I said I’m going to do it anyway! She’s 94 but before the dysphagia, she was a strong puppy! The hospice people were brainwashing me and told me my mom had only six months to live. Well certainly if I don’t feed her, she’ll die in 2 months. The way I see a feeding tube for my mother is an umbilical cord just like the one she fed me with while in her womb. And as you say, when the creator calls, that’s when we go. Nobody knows when that will be! For now I am going to take advantages of all medical, and scientific advances to prolong my mom’s life without making her suffer in any way! Thank you for your eloquent answer! It gave me courage and confident in my difficult decision! May God bless you!!
Or thirsty. Do you think prolonging his life in his current condition would be what he wants? I wouldn’t want that but everyone is different. Make sure your decisions are in his best interest and not
determined out of your grief. I’m so sorry you are going through
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