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I was A HHC worker for some years, Pedicures were one of my "jobs". My client has severe nail fungus in all 10 of her toes. No nail salon would take her. I used to give her a "spa day" just soak her feet and then cut & file the nails and look for open sores..paint her finger and toenails.

In the absence of infection, this was allowable.

I take care of my hubby's feet as he can't reach them. He's diabetic, so I am on the lookout for hotspots, any broken skin. Also a "snaggy" toenail can drive you to distraction if it's catching on the sheets.

SOMEBODY needs to cut your clients nails. Soak them in warm soapy water and cut when they're soft. File them very gently. BE sure to keep a nail scrubber brush in the mix. A lot of elderly don't was their hands, ever and when you're with him, you can make sure at least for those days, he's clean.

I gave my client very gentle lower leg massages with a soft scented lotion, and also her lower arms. She purred like a kitten. Touch is really important in the elderly, often, not a lot of people are showing them affection.
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I Hate to say it, but it's probably Yours! It's a duty that falls under bathing and personal care.

If you are anything like me, clipping and trimming the finger and toe nails of another person gives me the Heebie-Jeebies

For some reason it was easy for me to do my own Mom and Dad's, but it was terribly difficult for me to do my
FIL's and he lived with us for 13 years! I Would trim them for him as he just could not manage it due to poor eyesight and mobility issues, but only after a bath, and I would wear gloves to do it!

Doing this sort of personal care is difficult for a lot of people, especially if their nails are thick and yellowing, so if possible you can have their toenails done at a Podiatrists office.

Fingernails are not as difficult, as you can give the a good soaking and scrubbing first, and if no other options, toenails too, but I definitely advise soaking them in warm soapy water first, wear gloves, mask and even eyewear, to make the job easier!

It's amazing how we adapt to doing the most personal of care for our elderly Loved Ones, but in this situation, I do believe that it is part of HHA job description, and something to consider when you decide on that line of work. It's definitely not an easy position!
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I found this for you.

Job Description
As one would expect, there are very few differences between an HHA and a CNA as far job description. (Both provide direct basic care for their patients by helping them bathe, eat, move and keeping the patient free from infections and bed sores, just to name a few duties.) However, an HHA can also take care of administering medication to their patients while a CNA does not have that ability.

I have bracketed part of it. It is not that clear BUT the way I read it is as follows. (Remember this is only MY opinion) basic care for their patients by helping them bathe, eat, move and keeping the patient free from infections and bed sores.......

 ....just to name a few duties.............

While it does not specify 'cut nails' if it improves their quality - might stop them scratching their skin and getting infections? - then I, personally would do it for them.

Good luck finding out
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Pushing it to the front for you. So you may be able to get some knowledgeable answers.

Good Luck
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Do you not want to do this, or has someone told you that you can't? I know that any aide can trim fingernails in mom's nursing home but toe nails require someone with special training. Could you take the man out for a manicure? (Lot's of men get them these days)
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Midkid, thanks for your description of how you would cut your client's nails. I am in charge of my dad's nails and I always find trimming them a tad hair-raising. My dad's nails are thick and the two fingers on each hand that he still has a fair amount of sensation in seem to be very sensitive. I will try soaking them a bit first.

I have found using a headlamp for extra light helpful. For toenails, I clip very conservatively, file religiously, and rely on the podiatrist my dad sees every few months.
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Oooh tough job. 😝 When I went to beauty school back in June 83-June 84, all those services were together under the cosmetology license. ( What I trained for) As opposed to a beautician licence, which was hair only.
I also am a certified esthetician. (Skincare) This also was a must under the cosmetology license. Today each field is extensive and require separate licences and training. But I digress.

Anyhow, when we accumulate a certain amount of training hours, we work in a salon setting serving the public.

I did one ☝️ manicure. Using an orangewood stick you must clean out under the nail then wipe your stick on a towel to remove dirt.
Well brown stuff came out! 💩 I gagged, rushed through it and NEVER did a manicure again!

However, I could pop pimples till the cows come home, go figure!

Years later while owning my own full service salon, I always made sure I had a manicurist. And had no problem turning away potential clients if one wasn't available.

Just take the advice above
soak, scrub and think pleasant thoughts. Good luck with it.
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