
My mother has lived with me for 3 years, and in those 3 years I have watched her deteriorate physically. Her arthritis has progressed so much that she groans with every step. She sits on her chair all day and rarely gets up only to use the bathroom- which is about every half hour. I never hear the water running so I know she doesn’t wash her hands. She hasn’t taken a shower in almost a year. She wears the same old ratty clothes every day even though she has new clothes. She doesn’t comb her hair and does nothing to make herself look presentable. My home smells because of her smell. I can’t have candles lit or use strong air freshener because she is allergic to everything. My husband moved out to an apartment because of this. I am beside myself. I have confronted her several times about her appearance and lack of self-care and her response is that I shouldn’t let things like this bother me. I have told her that she needs more care thank I can give her. I have to prepare all her meals, and serve her as she can’t even hold a paper plate. I constantly have to make separate meals for her because she will not eat anything with any flavor. I also have a young child, and a full time job. I have neglected myself and feel like I have no worth other than to serve everyone daily. I am so sorry and feel so terrible but the sight of her makes me sick and my stomach turns. She says I am crazy for taking a shower every day and washing my hands every time after I only pee. I just can’t take the disgustingness any more. It’s not only a matter of cleanliness but now health. What happens when she gets a UTI from not cleaning herself? I have tried to explain that I don’t have it in me to care for her 24-7 but she refuses to hear me. How can someone do this to their daughter? I would never expect my kids to take care of me at this point. No siblings to share the responsibility. Her doctor seems to think she’s okay because she lives with me and still has her mind. What do I do? Where can I get help? I feel like I have no way out and honestly don’t even want to get out of bed in the morning anymore; what for? To serve? My husband left and I am so depressed.

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Advice. You can laugh.

Does she smell like pee or poo or both?
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The bathroom incident, you haven't been in men's restroom. Many guys who use it don't wash their hands after doing number 1 or 2. so she's definitely not alone with that.

Her thinking is probably why clean herself when she is at home all day?
Helpful Answer (1)
polarbear Oct 2022
Cover, how gross! I think I will stop shaking hands men, and if I have to, I will go wash my hands right away after that.
See 2 more replies
"Her doctor seems to think she’s okay because she lives with me and still has her mind."

That's common. As long as there is a family member (usually the daughter) involved, the assumption is that all is fine (even if it's not, and why doesn't he say something about her smell?). What would YOUR doctor say about YOUR current living situation?

Are you and your H legally separated? Do you still communicate?

Do you want to save your marriage? If so (and I hope you do), please take the suggestions posted below and start taking steps to get your mother into a facility.

How old is your child? What is this living situation doing to them?
Helpful Answer (1)
Cover999 Oct 2022
Probably going to doc.a quick wipe and some deodorant, she's all set.
I don't know if this will make you feel better or - I truly hope not - worse.

Actually, never mind, you got it right. Your mother needs more care than you can give her.

Start here:

Give them a call - it's a helpline "For Seniors" but it's for you too as the senior's primary caregiver - and ask for a needs assessment. They should be able to connect you with your local provider.
Helpful Answer (2)

You have got to place her in a facility. This situation is dangerous for her, for you, and your kid. And it’s already about ended your marriage.
Helpful Answer (4)

If mom is cognizant..time to tell her to find a place.
either look into Assisted Living if she can afford it. Senior Housing is another option.
If you can't go this route then tell her "my house, my rules" and lay down the law. Shower at least 2 times a week. (In Illinois that is the minimum required in a facility. But 2 is better than none)
Every night when she gets into pj's you take the soiled clothes and put them in the wash. Put out clean clothes for the morning.
If she can't follow these rules she has to find other housing.
I am surprised that you have let it get to the point where your husband moves out and mom stays!
If mom is not cognizant who is POA? If she is not cognizant and no one is POA you could allow the state to become her Guardian. (Guardianship in Cook County is not a fun prospect)
You could also report her to APS for self neglect.
Contact Elderwerks for more resources. 1-855-462-0100 or go to their website their resource book is on line. (Elderwerks is a not for profit org that provides education and resources.)
Helpful Answer (1)

When I was overwhelmed with the state of my life some years ago, a wonderful counselor asked me to imagine what would happen if I took just one step towards changing things. I imagined I was on a cliff. She said, now imagine you’re stepping off. I did, and floated down to the ground below to land safely on a bed of soft moss. I survived! This vision gave me the courage to make the first call of many to sort myself out.

Maybe this might help you to make one call, whether it is to tell your mom’s doctor that she must go into care and request that he tell you where to turn, or to a social worker, or to a public health seniors nurse, or a counselor for yourself. You need some support from an expert who can help you enter the system of care where you live.

I would also suggest you do this before making demands that your mother move or pay for a cleaner or whatever. Arm yourself with knowledge, e.g. how do you actually get your mother into care if she objects?

I agree that you should involve your husband in these initial steps if you can. If you want him home, he needs to know that you mean it. I also agree that you should hire a professional cleaning team to power through the house and get some fresh air in there.

You can do this! It’s hard when you’re feeling depressed. But taking that first step can be very empowering.
Helpful Answer (4)

My advice is to move her to a decent nursing home. She is not getting the care she needs at home. I do not blame your husband one bit. I would call elder services, protective services, or social services for elders and see if they can help. She needs more than you can give her. She seems to me to be suffering from depression. Poor hygiene is one of the first signs. There is definitely help out there. She probably does have A UTI now. This is what I would do if it was on my plate. Take her to the ER to check for a UTI and request to see a social worker. No one should ever live like this. She needs to be in a facility with professionals!
Helpful Answer (5)

She has to go. She’s affected your mental health and your husband’s as well. She may have destroyed your marriage. She’s destroying your child’s life - what kind of happy memories will your child have of this time? Probably none. Your responsibility is to your husband and child, not to your mother. She needs help because she isn’t healthy and you can’t make her be healthy. Start calling social services and make a plan to get this bloodsucking leech out of your home. Then do it.
Helpful Answer (3)
Cover999 Oct 2022
Well the child would have the memory of grandma being funky
Make plans to move her out. Maybe your husband would help in this if he wants to reunite with you. She is ruining your life and you are letting it happen. Out she goes so you can get good things back in your life. Your depression and despair can be immobilizing which is why you need help to get this going, whether it's your husband, a therapist, or the local Adult Protective Services agency. Get her out.
Helpful Answer (2)

Your Mom needs professional help. Either different doctor, social worker, or NH.
You have every right to live in place that is clean as per your standards, not to mention responsibility for your child, I won’t even mention marriage, unless you fix this living arrangement.
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You have two choices and both involve asking your husband what *he* wants. Choice A is telling your mom that she needs to pay for in-home help for her herself so that her hygiene, meals, etc. are no longer an issue. Choice B is finding an affordable senior community where she can live and telling her she's moving. Even if you choose A, it doesn't mean B is off the table.

Call your husband and ask him to meet you for coffee or tea or ice cream or whatever the both of you enjoy, just no alcohol. Put yourself together and tell him in person that you are sorry that you let things get so far out of control with your mother that he left. He deserves an apology. Tell him that you know something needs to change in order for him to come back home. Ask him what his thoughts are on choices A and B above. Let him know that Hear him out.

Recognize that your husband may express a range of emotions - sadness, anger, frustration - about the situation with your mom. Hear him out. Reinforce to him that you want him to come home.

Call a cleaning service and have your home cleaned. Even while you're having discussions with your husband and making whatever arrangements for your mother, you will feel better in a home that has been professionally cleaned.

And Faith, you owe it to yourself to do self-care. You deserve time to do something nice for yourself. Be kind to yourself.
Helpful Answer (5)

You have the power to change your life, take back your marriage and your family. In fact, only you have that power.

Your mother needs 24/7 nursing care, and you have turned your home into a smelly nursing home just for her. On top of that, you chased your husband out of his home. Would you put up with this if your husband brought his mom to your home and she did what your mom is doing? I certainly hope not.

You have the power to undo the above.

Move your mom to a nursing home because that’s where she can get better care than you can give. You can take back your home for your husband and child. Best of luck to you.
Helpful Answer (7)

This is really a handful and I am so sorry for you. I totally understand how you feel!

In general, I would take your life back and put her in a nursing home.

My mom is similar with not caring about hygiene. YUCK. I can't let her help in the kitchen and want to puke every time she licks her fingers instead of using her napkin. Seriously?

Her severe pain - is it being treated? I think she could benefit from some evaluation and some pain meds and PT.

Your kid and your hubby have to come first.

Don't talk to your mom about this. Start making plans and let her know at the last minute. She may hate it and be mad at you, but you deserve better.

Good luck.
Helpful Answer (6)
Cover999 Oct 2022
Lol if mom doesn't go anywhere she probably figures why care about cleaning herself?
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