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You can contact social services for your county. They can come in and do a needs assessment with you. At that time you can ask questions about options, Medicaid Waiver, etc.

You can also contact your local Area Agency on Aging for resources, as well as checking out happenings at your local senior community center (if there's one in proximity to you).

You can also investigate local churches and places of faith as they often will have Elder Care ministries and services. In most cases you do not need to be an attender, practice that denomination or even be a believer.

Finally (and if you haven't already done so) please see an elder law attorney to get your protective documents set up: assign a PoA, have a Advanced Healthcare Directive, make a Last Will, etc. If you don't know who to make your PoA, you will need to figure this out. I would also research and indicate a preferred facility, in the event you need that much care (which is pretty common). This way you are in control as long as possible.

I wish you all the best as you plan things out and seek help.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to Geaton777

Your ophthalmologist should give you some pointers, as well, Foster.
I sure wish you luck.
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Reply to AlvaDeer

If your vision loss is recent then do get in touch with organizations for the blind that offer therapy and learn as much as they can teach you, there are many devices and coping strategies to make life easier.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to cwillie

You should have a County Disabilities Dept that can help u.
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Reply to JoAnn29

Palliative care… gives you a great quality of life and Medicare pays 100%
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Reply to JamieNe
cwillie May 1, 2024
WT😠 Jamie, my mom live for 25 years with vision loss, it is not a palliative condition
Report is The National Foundation for the Blind, and they may have some access and ideas for you.
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Reply to AlvaDeer

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