
The details are like I said I live in subsidized housing and I never smoked a day in my life but I got COPD from second-hand smoking and my neighbor instant wise not just smoke in the bathroom but that don't do no good bill stopped for a while then he'll start.

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Are you saying that your neighbor thinks that your husband should smoke in the bathroom? That won’t help any. He needs to go outside. Even then the smell is on his clothes when he comes inside.

Sorry but I am a little confused about your posting. Can you clarify for us?

So sorry that you got COPD from second hand smoke. Sorry that your husband is still smoking. Smokers say it’s hard to quit. It’s an addiction. Has he tried things to help him quit like the patch, meds, gum, etc?

You shouldn’t have to be around smoke. I’m so sorry that you are struggling with this.

Best wishes to you.
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If the management allows smoking in the apartments and if this is not against City, Town, Village, County regulations there is not much that you can do. You could ask management to move you to another apartment that does not have a smoker next door. But the first thing you would have to do is determine if they can designate a portion of a building as "smoke free" otherwise you might have the same problem when someone else moves in.
Also it is difficult to determine if you developed COPD BECAUSE of your neighbor. It could have been years of being in areas with smokers from your childhood when your parents smoked through the years of you in restaurants, bars and any other place smoking was done. (and that was EVERYWHERE!!!) This is the same with people that never smoked but developed lung cancer because of their exposure to second hand smoke.
In most cases it is difficult to eliminate second hand smoke.
There are things that you might be able to do to limit it. Caulk around ALL cracks this would be along ceilings, floors, windows, doors. (this includes under sinks that have adjoining walls and outlets that are on adjoining walls)Get a good quality air filter and leave it running at all times.
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Countrymouse Oct 2020
I don't think the OP is blaming the neighbour for her passive-smoking induced COPD; it's just that now that she has this condition she can't tolerate more smoke coming into her living space.

She (she?) would also be correct in thinking that assumptions are often made about people with COPD's having been smokers, being therefore "to blame" for their own conditions, plus therefore hypocritical to object to others' smoking. But the officials at the housing department have no business making any such judgements or assumptions, so I hope it isn't so in this case.
I read your profile. Your statement is a little confusing.

What I get from is that you have COPD and your neighbor smokes in his apartment. He thinks that smoking in the bathroom, probably because of the fan, will help take it out of the apartment. But, it still seeps into your apartment and causes you problems.

Does your lease say no smoking in the apartments? If so, you need to report him to the main office and add that it causes you difficulty. If calling the office doesn't work then call HUD if that is who is providing a voucher. There r rules that you as a tenant need to follow and your landlord needs to follow. You have the right to have a healthy environment and right now you don't.

I just read the laws in my state about smoking and its illegal in apartments. Even more so if those apartments are being subsidized.
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