
I have been caring for my granny for yrs now. Well recently she decided to turn off her sisters cell phone since she qualifies for free one & we gave her a months notice before it shut off. Now since I keep killing every way she's been using my granny to get money or free stuff she started calling in false reports on me & now my granny's is mad at her so she doesn't want to talk to her but her sister calls my phone threatening to get a lawyer to charge me with abuse. She's in a nursing home & last time I knew my granny was her POA & now I'm my granny's POA. What can I do to make her stop since my granny is old fashioned & doesn't want to be blunt & tell her she's mad & doesn't want to talk to her? She talks to whoever else she wants to but she hasn't even asked to call her sister yet. My mom has tried to tell her sister that she has ways to talk but when she doesn't get an answer she blames me & says I'm keeping her from her. No she's the one keeping her from herself bc she keeps making her mad by calling in on the only person she's got to tend to her but she doesn't care she just loves drama. Always has. Please help I'm tired of dealing with it & I already been thru it with APS & was cleared with no problems & she continues to try to stir crap. Can I tell her nursing home not to let her call out anymore. Or should I wait for lawyers to contact me & then call & let them know the whole story including that she is falsely reporting things.

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Can’t you just block her number? Why are you spending to her if no one wants to speak with her?
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Agree with the comment behind it. No way
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Its not completely that I'm only dealing with her sister but I've done had to deal with APS bc she called them & said that my hubby & I were on drugs, were spending my granny's money, didn't take care of her & had a felon moving in the house so I had to prove to them that all were false allegations & it was finally closed case but now her sister is leaving me voicemails saying she has talked to 2 lawyers & what I'm doin is elder abuse & she will proceed with it if I don't let her talk to my granny. I'm not gonna make my granny talk to her if she don't want to but the biggest problem I guess is the fact that her sister thinks it's always someone else & never her that's the problem so can she push the charges with lawyer if APS has already investigated it & found the claims to be unsubstantiated. Unless she sold her car she shouldn't have much $ to do much with but her car is only gonna give her maybe $3000ish to proceed with so I'm thinking she shouldn't have much $ to do very much hopefully. Especially for it to be dismissed most likely. With me being my granny's POA does that cancel my granny from being a POA or what happens to that bc my granny was her sisters POA & honestly I don't want to be her sisters POA but Idk how that would work either.
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POAs are assigned. So grans sister assigned gran but she can revolk it. I will assume you and gran went to a lawyer and had her assign you POA.

The problem I see here is ur gran being her sisters POA. Your profile says that Gran has Dementia. If this is correct, she cannot be POA because she is not competent to make decisions for her sister. You say sister is in a NH, why? Does she suffer from a Dementia. If so, she cannot reassign a POA. And if she has Dementia it explains a lot.

Someone will need to get guardianship for sister if she is incompetent to make informed choices. This is expensive so if sister has no family, then the State may need to take over her care. Then its Gran. If she has been diagnoised with a Dementia, then your POA is in effect and you are in the right to protect her.

Seems like you have been Caregiving for a while. I don't think you should take on sisters care too. Let others do that. I would not worry about lawyers. If Aunt has no money and she is in a NH, Medicaid is probably paying her way. If she sold a car, that money should be going towards her care if over the 2k Medicaid allows you to have in the bank. There is no way she can hire a lawyer. They want money up front. I doubt if they would take her case because APS has found in your favor already. If she suffers from Dementia, I would not worry about lawyers. You can always tell them she suffers from a Dementia and APS cleared you.

Keep good records. Do not spend any of Grans money on yourself. Her bank statements should only show what she spends on and for herself. Thats bills, taxes, repairs on the house, etc. No large amounts of money gifted. If you buy out of pocket for her, I suggest keeping all receipts and once a month reinburse yourself with a check. Put the receipts in an envelope with the check # on the outside.

If Aunts your only problem, think ur in the clear.
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