
My mother would feel better if she could get volunteer companionship, besides just her daughters and extra C.N.A.s Is this possible?

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Every business has a Help Wanted ad in the window, offering to pay $18/hr to work at McDonald's and nobody is applying. I think you will have a hard time finding people who are willing to work for free, unfortunately. You can check your local AARP website because they do have senior volunteers who sometimes sit with elders for companionship, etc.

Good luck.
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Peggy - Good suggestion about RSVP
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Go through your church family, if you have one. Or check out the internet for volunteers who actually do this exact kind of thing.

IDK if they'd be free--almost no one can afford to 'gift' much of their time, it seems.
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There’s a nationwide nonprofit called rsvp, consisting solely of senior volunteers. You could reach out to them.

Most cities have senior centers where mom can socialize.

If mom is on hospice, volunteers are usually part of their deal.
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