
My siblings have visited and have found multiple time that his clothing was shuffled inside out and smelly in his drawers. His clothing were hung inside out in the closet and he was double diapered and really smelled. My sister has emailed the director and the director took two days to reply. I can not understand “how” the senior memory care facility can treat an elderly this poorly. They are paid nearly $7k a month. Senior center is Spring Village (NJ). Has anyone else experienced extremely poor treatment??? I believe this is elderly abuse or abandonment. We are worry that complaining may result in retaliation treating against my father.

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UnderPressure2, you and your siblings should not tolerate poor care for your father. A meeting with the facility's director of nursing should be held ASAP to address the problems you described and if these problems are not quickly resolved you should consider moving your father to a place that will provide better care. An intermediate step would be to contact New Jersey's Dept. of Health, which regulates such facilities. All care facilities have lapses in care quality, but the good places resolve their problems quickly and appreciate the families of their residents alerting them to problems. Frequent family visits (daily is best) is important for monitoring quality of care. Best wishes.
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UnderPressure2 Mar 2020
Yes, my sister copies me on emails she sends to the director and they 48 hours to reply. We honesty believe putting the request in writing is proof of our concerns, but it seem like they don’t have enough aides/workers or the worker are very slow to respond to meet the needs of the residents. For the lack of sounding negative. They have no immediate concern for the residents as though the residents are inconveniencing them. Unfortunately, That’s their jobs to meet the needs of the residents. Unfortunately, I live out of state and I am unable to visit. I rely on my siblings to keeps me in the loop. I appreciate you respond! Thank you.
It’s not complaining that results in lack of care. It’s lack of personally showing up to monitor conditions and complain when needed that allows lack of care to go on. I’m not blaming you or your family, just thinking that sending emails isn’t the best approach. There’s no excuse for not keeping residents clean. If you can’t get cooperation from the administration of the facility it’s time to contact the ombudsman. The contact info for that person is required to be posted in the facility. And if nothing gets better soon please remember that your father is a paying customer and you’re his advocate, and you can move him to a place with better care
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call your ombudsman. Another avenue is the state Health Department. There is (or should be) a hotline. And yes it is considered abuse and will be taken seriously by the Health Department
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Not an answer just an FYI: when I noticed that my uncle was not cleaned and had dirty clothes on, I asked the aid, did he received his scheduled shower the night before and she had the nurse come in to talk with me. The nurse said it was written in log that he refused his shower 2x in a row ( shower days were tues & thurs). They wanted to wait until his next scheduled day which I said was not acceptable. I received a call from him at 11pm that night that he received his shower. It helps to have a good relationship with staff. Found this route much easier for me then writing & requesting responses from the directors. However if my uncle had not received a shower by the next afternoon, I would have been requesting those meetings.
Good Luck, we are now our parents advocates and they deserve the best care 🙏
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