
What are the best assisted living, nursing homes and life cycle retirement homes in Rockingham County, NH?


"LIfe cycle retirement homes"+"Rockingham county"+"New Hampshire"


"assisted living"+"Rockingham county"+"New Hampshire"

Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to Geaton777
Report of NH is within 35 minutes from you. Look them up and see if you are in their covered area. It is free to you. They get paid by referrals to the facilities
Helpful Answer (0)
Reply to MACinCT

Exploring in your own area here is key, and your internet ability will turn the lock.
Google Elder Care Facilities and the name of your town, county or area. You will come up with some and they usually have decent websites, some even with picture and measurements of rooms. Start there. They will give you virtual tours and will arrange for someone to visit you or for you to visit them.

You can also make use of such entities and businesses as A Place For Mom (the owner of this Forum, in fact). They will take information from you about needs and assets and hook you up with what's available in your area.

Wishing you good luck.
Helpful Answer (0)
Reply to AlvaDeer

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