
My mom had her 4 stroke on 6.26 .2016 she is paralyzed has dementia she has a feeding tube and now she started eating soft foods ..though her blood pressure continues to go up ....shes losing her mind doesnt know if shes hungry or not ? Help is this time for me to move yo hospice ...

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Quezada, welcome! Is your mom still in the hospital, or has she been moved to rehab?

Did she have dementia before the stroke, or is it just beginning since the stroke? Is she on medication for her blood pressure? Is the doctor concerned about her pressure?

Finally, did your mother make her wishes clear about what kind of measures she'd want taken in this kind of situation? Do you have Medical power of attorney? Is the hospital/ facility recommending hospice? In general, i think of hospice as a good thing and many patients improve enough to come off that level of care.
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Sounds like it may be time for hospice. Does mom have medical directives? The feeding tube is what really bothers me! She has dementia, and most times they will not permit tube feeding because of the risk of patient doing everything they can to remove it.
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She had a lil dementia ! She tells you what her name is and sometimes she repeats her self but within the last week shes has gotten worse shes in rehab but am so lost ..tjey say theres no poibt she usnt getting better but she eats soft foods yes i hve directive and she has keft it up to me
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Q, it doesn't sound as though your mom has much quality of lifè left, does she? In your shoes, I would ask for a hospice eval and ask them how they can keep your mom comfortable. You can evaluate whether you want to zign mom up AFTER you talk to them and they've seen mom.
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Keep in mind that hospice just doesn't sign up everyone who asks - there is a criteria that needs to be met. In other words, it won't hurt to ask hospice to evaluate your mother. If they don't feel her time is near - within six months, they most likely will not take her into the program. If they do feel your mother is appropriate for the program you can talk with them, discuss options and take some time to think through how you would like continued care for your mother proceed - with or without hospice.
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About ten years ago my mom was diagnosed with dementia. About nine years ago she was diagnosed with uterine cancer. At that time mom was early stages of Alzheimer's Disease. She was still competent to make her own decisions. She decided to have the hysterectomy. That surgery is what started a severe decline in her. She developed an infection and had to be hospitalized for a couple of weeks. She was refusing to eat and we thought she would pass. She didn't. Now she doesn't know who most everybody is or where she is. She was moved to a facility a year ago.

My point? Mom was competent and the decision for surgery was hers. Same would be for your mom. In my mom's case she would have qualified for hospice, but she chose to fight the infection. She is still alive but very little quality of life and definitely not the life she would want for herself. Now the waiting game for the next fall or illness to consider what treatment if any will be best for her.
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This was my question thank you I appreciate it being asked
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