I've talked with you folks before. We placed my mother in a nursing home. However, she is VERY belligerent. She is constantly threatening my wife and I with lawsuits etc. She has had some very serious health issues along with the dementia. I have seen a definite decline since she has been at the nursing home with regard to her dementia; not her physical care. I've been reluctant to visit her since she is so hostile. I haven't seen her in six weeks. This upsets me, but I am not sure what to do as each time we interact she threatens to call lawyers to get "control back". She keeps demanding services from the nursing home's lawyer, but luckily, the nursing home's social worker seems to have gotten through to her. While she was in the hospital at Christmas, she was delirious and called 911 from her hospital bed because she thought "she was in a dumpster and Chinese people were holding her down; and that the nurses (who were pushing cardiac telemetry units) had cash registers". Any thoughts on how to deal with the belligerency?