
Very unhappy after room change. Thinks new floor is only for mental patients. Tried to explain I have no control over room change and I am working with social workers today get her discharged safely. Wants me to go there and “ make this get changed” She us getting verbally abusive to me over phone but does not have cell phone just a phone she borrowed. I am only child and handle her affairs. She is 93. I am 67 still working part time. Today she told me I should not go to work and get her problem solved...

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I am sorry, but with two shoulder surgeries she badly needs rehab. I would tell her you will speak with her a.m. and p.m. and she must meanwhile work hard to get better. Tell her that you are not a Ms. Fix-it, and in fact not everything CAN be fixed, some things must be lived through. As you have dealt with you Mom for some time I am certain you understand, and can know what to tell her. She may receive something to calm her anxiety soon enough. Sorry you are BOTH going through all this. I hope she heals soon. I am sure she feels quite helpless. I very much hope she has had her covid-19 vaccine before she had to go through this. She is lucky to have come through anesthesia intact enough to complain, in all truth.
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lindywoman Apr 2021
No she refused to get the vaccine. She has always been anxious panicky person but I have always wondered if that’s something she uses to avoid certain situations and not deal with others. Yes you are right she should be grateful to have come thru two surgeries
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Also, make sure she gets tested for a UTI. These can cause mental status chnagrs in elders.
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Ask if there is a geriatric psychiatrist who can evaluate her while she is in rehab.

There are several antidepressant meds that have anti-anxity properties. This might make a huge difference in her life. It did for my mom.
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lindywoman Apr 2021
I will speak to her social worker re that thanks for the suggestion
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