As confused as my 81 yr old mum! Since July 19th my mother has been in & out of hospital. 1st time for what they diagnosed her having back muscle spasms, gave her muscle relaxing, she ended up falling & fracturing her vertebrae. They then found that the 1st visit wasnt muscle spasms but a UTI. There have been several stays after these the lastest due to severe reaction to Bactrim. Since death of my dad 2yrs ago her mental state has been up and down mainly age related forgetting etc but nothing more than any other person of same age. Over last 6 months a confusion set in, getting more noticeable. Over the last week, since being released from hospital for the bacrrim problem, there has been a HUGE deterioration in her mental state. All night she will talk not in English but in Swiss her native lang. She more often than not doesnt know who I am. Everything is a jumbled mess when we talk, yet she knows something isn't right. I have seen such a change o er the last 24hrs. What is strange is that even though she makes no sense, what she IS saying has elements of past conversations. She is taking meds to stimulate her appetite, it was working great after back surgery (7/31) but rehab took her off it... been back on for a week, but she still isnt eating nearly enough, some days she drinks enough but not everyday. She is so agitated restless and fearful. I am at a loss