
Does anyone know what I should do to get back to the more soothing white and blue tones? The dark print is very annoying. It looks just like Halloween!

Check the settings on the accessibility icon and reset.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to cwillie

By chance did you go into the blue circle "Accessibility" at the right bottom of the page. It has special settings for those who have visual issues. One setting "invert colors" can change the page to black background with different colors for the print that look Halloweenish.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to freqflyer
anonymous1768885 Apr 25, 2024
This is the reason for the color change. I hate that thing. You can turn it off for indefinite but it always comes back. I really don't know why they don't just remove it. People have setting on their monitors and can adjust the colors and font size themselves without this dumb icon that pops up randomly and sometimes you can't x out of it.
Have you done the usual fixes, like sign out then back in? Reboot your device (even if it's a phone)? Check the settings and preferences on your device?

I can't think of any scenario that would cause the color to change on only your phone on only this forum except that it's your device having a problem. Have you gone to other websites that are familiar to you (so that you can see if those colors are also off)?
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Geaton777
Riverdale Apr 25, 2024
Yes other sites are fine. I will ask my husband later. I don't want to do anything to cause me to be permanently logged out. In the meantime it is October for me instead of April
If you have cable you can call technical assistance or check YouTube .
Helpful Answer (0)
Reply to KNance72

See freqflyers reply below. This is the issue.
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Reply to anonymous1768885

The "blue person" accessibility setting is part of ADA compliance that corporations have to follow on their websites. They cannot remove it, they are required to have it. This forum is owned by a corporation so they must comply.
Helpful Answer (0)
Reply to Geaton777
JoAnn29 Apr 25, 2024
But you are able to hide it but just not on this site ever since the "blue person" updated. I have reported the problem many times.
Its springtime again. Thank goodness. I don't particularly like Halloween even in October. I did when the kids were young. Since moving here to where I an in SC we have never had a single trick or greater in 7 years. Thankfully I was finally able to convince my husband to stop buying candy.
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Reply to Riverdale

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